Exposing the Business Processes to enable Task Handling Configuration

To enable task-handling configuration data to be retrieved for a task provider instance of IBM® Business Process Manager, you must first display your Business Process and Human Service data to all users. Enable task-handling configuration data if you are working with the Business Process Manager task provider in the Unified Task List.


  1. Access the Business Process Designer for BPM and open a Business Process.
  2. Select the Overview tab.
  3. From the section title Exposing, click Select for the Expose to start field.
  4. From the list of Participant Groups, select the entry that is most appropriate for this Business Process. Either select All Users or the group where the Unified Task List administrative user is a member.
  5. Repeat 3 and four for the Expose business data and Expose performance metrics fields.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Open the first Human Service in the Business Process.
  8. Open the Overview tab.
  9. From the Exposing section, click Select for the Expose to start field.
  10. Select the appropriate group from the list of Participant Groups.
  11. Click Save.
  12. Repeat 8-11 for each Human Service in the Business Process.
  13. Repeat 2-12 for each Business Process in the Designer.