Using the Installation Manager to modify your environment

You can use the Installation Manager function to add or remove the IBM® WebSphere® Portal profile. You can also use the Configuration Wizard to create and add, or remove a profile from your environment. See Create a WebSphere Portal profile and Remove a WebSphere Portal profile for information about using the Configuration Wizard to modify your environment.

About this task

You can use the Installation Manager to remove only profiles that are created with the Installation Manager. If you use the Configuration Wizard to create and add a profile, you must you use the Configuration Wizard to remove that profile.

Complete the following steps to modify your environment using the Installation Manager:


  1. Start the Installation Manager.
  2. Select Modify to add or remove the portal profile.
  3. Select the profile that you want to add or remove.
  4. Review the summary information and then run the process to add or remove the profile.