Installation options (Cloud)

These options allow you to customize your installation.

Table 1. Default properties to install the portlets for a standard deployment.
Property Value
-DICURL The unsecured base URL for your IBM Connections Cloud instance.
-DPAALocation The location to the SNPortlets.paa archive on the Portal Server file system. -DWasPassword is the WebSphere Application Server admin password.
-DPortalAdminPwd The WebSphere Portal admin password.
-DappName The name of the application to install. This must always be set to SNPortlets.
-DICtagSearchType Set to search or mysearch, depending on whether you want the tag cloud to display tags only for public content or tags for public content as well as for content the logged-in user contributed.
-DICserverType Set to SC4SB when deploying on IBM Connections Cloud.
Table 2. Optional properties for the configure-SNPortlets command
Property Value
-DICportletWebapp The name of the Connections Portlets web application that is deployed after you execute the deploy-paa command. You can log in to the WebSphere Application Server admin console under the enterprise applications screen to determine the correct setting. The default value is PA_icWEFPtlts.
-DICshowContentTitleInPortlet true
-DICshowForumSummaryFiltersInCommunity false
-DICshowResponseFormInline false When set to true, display the input form for forum topic replies and blog comments inline.
-DICconnectionsContextRoot The connections context root used for making requests for resources by the Activity Stream portlet.  The default is connections.
-DICwebResourcesContextRoot The context root used for making requests for resources by the Activity Stream and Library portlets.  The default is connections/resources.
-DICdateType Possible values are client (the default) or server. This is used to handle the date conversion in portlets for the client timezone or server timezone, respectively.
Note: The server option is only supported on WebSphere Portal 8.0.01 with CF12 applied, or greater.
-DICdateFormat Used to define the target date pattern when the server timezone setting is applied. For examples of date formats, see the table of date formats in this wiki article on Setting parameters to format dates.
Table 3. Parameters to define the context roots used for your Connections deployment.
Property Value
-DICprofilesContextRoot profiles
-DICactivitiesContextRoot activities
-DICcommunitiesContextRoot communities
-DICblogsContextRoot blogs
-DICbookmarksContextRoot dogear
-DICforumsContextRoot forums
-DICwikisContextRoot wikis
-DICsearchContextRoot search
-DICfilesContextRoot files.