People Finder configuration reference

The default fields of the People Finder portlet correspond to attributes defined by Member Manager, and enable the display of information about people in several views. As an administrator, you can determine the layout and content of portlet views by selecting and ordering the fields that appear in each view.

Note: If Member Manager is configured with Microsoft Active Directory, remove the fields carLicense, secretary, and pager from the People Finder configuration.

The configuration settings are stored in the file apPDirConfig.xml. You can return People Finder to its default configuration by selecting Configure from the portlet drop-down menu, and under XML Configuration, clicking Reload Settings.

For additional information on setting up the views of the People Finder portlet, while configuring People Finder, select Help from the drop-down menu on the portlet title bar.

Business Card fields

The following table lists the Member Manager attributes that appear as fields in the unlabelled Business Card section of the Profile in People Finder. By default, the Business Card section displays the following fields as lines in descending order. Business Card fields do not display labels, and fields that contain no information are not displayed. For each attribute listed, the field label and display type are identified, except for Photograph, whose attribute you can select from a separate list and is jpegPhoto by default. Unless noted, the default display type of an attribute is a text string.

Table 1. Member Manager attributes and Business Card fields
Member Manager attribute Field label Display type
jpegPhoto Photo N/A
cn Name Person Link
telephoneNumber Phone number N/A
ibm-primaryEmail Email address Email Address
ibm-jobTitle Job title N/A
localityName City N/A

Contact Information fields

The following table lists the Member Manager attributes that appear as fields in the Contact Information section of the Profile. For each attribute listed, the field label and display type are identified. Unless noted, the default display type of an attribute is a text string.

Table 2. Member Manager attributes and Contact Information fields
Member Manager attribute Field label Display type
ibm-personalTitle Title N/A
cn Name Person Link
uid User ID N/A
employeeNumber Employee number N/A
ibm-primaryEmail Email address Email Address
telephoneNumber Phone number N/A
mobile Mobile phone number N/A
pager Pager Number N/A
postalAddress Address N/A
roomNumber Room number N/A
street Street N/A
localityName City N/A
stateOrProvinceName State or province N/A
postalCode Postal Code N/A
countryName Country N/A

Current Job fields

The following table lists the Member Manager attributes that appear as fields in the Current Job section of the Profile. For each attribute listed, the field label and display type are identified. Unless noted, the default display type of an attribute is a text string.

Table 3. Member Manager attributes and Current Job fields
Member Manager attribute Field label Display type
ibm-jobTitle Job title N/A
departmentNumber Department Number N/A
businessCategory Business N/A
employeeType Employee Type Member Link

Background fields

The following table lists the Member Manager attributes that appear as fields in the Background section of the Profile. For each attribute listed, the field label and display type are identified. Unless noted, the default display type of an attribute is a text string.

Table 4. Member Manager attributes and Background fields
Member Manager attribute Field label Display type
preferredLanguage Preferred language N/A
labeledURI Personal web page Web Page Link

Advanced Search Queries

Advanced Search criteria, by default, include most of the same fields that are available for the Profile. In general, only fields corresponding to attributes of data type String are available as search criteria. Attributes of data type Numeric, Object, or MemberLink are not available for search.

The following fields are not available for selection as Advanced Search criteria in the People Finder. Users cannot search for people using these fields because the attributes are not type String.

manager (data type = MemberLink)

seeAlso (data type = MemberLink)

secretary (data type = MemberLink)

Advanced Search Results fields

The following table lists the Member Manager attributes that appear as fields in the Advanced Search Results in People Finder. For each attribute listed, the field label and display type are identified. Unless noted, the default display type of an attribute is a text string.

Table 5. Member Manager attributes and Advanced Search Results fields
Member Manager attribute Field label Display type
cn Name Person Link
telephoneNumber Phone number N/A
ibm-jobTitle Job title N/A

Quick Search Queries

The following table lists the Member Manager attributes that appear by default in the Search By list in Quick Search. For each attribute listed, the field label and display type are identified. Unless noted, the default display type of an attribute is a text string.

Table 6. Member Manager attributes and Search By fields
Member Manager attribute Field label Display type
byName Name N/A
uid User ID N/A
ibm-primaryEmail Email address N/A
telephoneNumber Phone number N/A
ibm-jobTitle Job title N/A

Quick Search Results fields

The following table lists the Member Manager attributes that appear as fields in the Quick Search Results. For each attribute listed, the field label and display type are identified. Unless noted, the default display type of an attribute is a text string.

Table 7. Member Manager attributes and Quick Search Results fields
Member Manager attribute Field label Display type
cn Name Person Link
telephoneNumber Phone number N/A

Organization View fields

The following table lists the Member Manager attributes that appear as fields in the Organization View. For each attribute listed, the field label and display type are identified. Unless noted, the default display type of an attribute is a text string.

Table 8. Member Manager attributes and Organization fields
Member Manager attribute Field label Display type
cn Name Person Link
telephoneNumber Phone number N/A
ibm-jobTitle Job title N/A