Configuring Integrator for SAP

Before you can use the SAP navigation, you need to perform the configuration.

About this task

The SAP navigation integration uses a set of configuration parameters, but you must configure these parameters separately:


Configuring the SAP navigation page: By default, the WebSphere® Portal installation names the SAP integration page SAP and places it as a subpage of Applications > IBM® WebSphere Portal Integrator for SAP.

If you want to change the title of the SAP navigation page or move the page to another location in your WebSphere Portal, use the standard tools of WebSphere Portal. For example, you can use Manage Pages in the WebSphere Portal administration.

All required page properties for configuring the SAP navigation page are stored in the page properties of the SAP navigation page. For a list of configuration parameters see the topic about Configuration parameters for the SAP navigation integration. You must check and verify these settings and change them as appropriate for your environment, if required. To perform this task, proceed as follows:

  1. To open the Manage Pages portlet, click the Administration menu icon. Then, click Portal User Interface > Manage Pages.
  2. Click Content root > Applications > IBM WebSphere Portal Integrator for SAP.
  3. Click Edit page properties for the page that is named SAP, or however you might have renamed it.
  4. Select Advanced options > I want to set parameters.
  5. Change the page properties as required. For a list of configuration parameters, read the topic about Configuration properties for the SAP navigation integration.
    If your values for the page properties remain within a length limit of 255 characters, you can set them directly in the page properties as described here.
    If the values for any of the properties exceed 255 characters, you must set that property in the WP Configuration Service, reference it in the page properties, and prefix its value in the page properties with ConfigService: . For example, the most likely parameter to have a value that exceeds 255 characters is sap.SSOTokenUrl . In this case you configure the following settings:
    • In the WP Configuration Service: actual.SSO.tokenUrl = "your_URL"
    • In the page properties: sap.SSOTokenUrl = "ConfigService:actual.SSO.tokenUrl"
    For details about how portal service configuration properties and how to set them, read Configuration Service and Setting service configuration properties.
    For the parameter sap.SSOTokenUrl, you can specify a page URL of the SAP portal of your choice, except the sap.BaseUri.
  6. Restrict the access to the SAP navigation page to the correct audience, for example to all or selected SAP users. To perform this task, use the WebSphere Portal Access Control.
  7. Optional: Like portal pages, you can configure the navigational integration label to use a theme template. Within the navigational integration, integrated SAP NetWeaver portal pages inherit that configuration from the label. To perform this configuration, add the page parameter to the label by using the XMLAccess configuration interface. After you install Integrator for SAP, all integration pages are already configured to use a side navigation theme template. You can remove the side navigation by removing the parameter for the side navigation theme template from the label.

What to do next

After you have completed the configuration, restart your WebSphere Portal server for your changes to take effect.

For more information about how to configure Integrator for SAP see these topics: