EJPWF: com.ibm.wps.wsrp.producer.provider.resources.ProviderMessages


Syntax error in template {0} during template processing.
The template provided by the consumer portal is not spec compliant.
The consumer portal has to provide a spec compliant template.


Unknown token {0} in template {1} found during template processing.
The template provided by the consumer portal is not spec compliant.
The consumer portal has to provide a spec compliant template.


Failed to load the ServiceDescription from persistent store.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The portlet with ID={0} does not provide a default locale.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
The portlet has to provide a default locale.


The portlet with ID={0} does not provide a default language.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
The portlet has to provide a default language.


Could not find the portlet definition for portlet with ID={0}.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Producer not found in datastore or datastore not available. {0}
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


No ServiceDescription for this Provider available. {0}
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


ObjectID could not be converted to a WSRP portlet handle. {0}
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


PortletHandle {0} could not be converted to a portal ObjectID.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Failed to load PortletDefinition from PortletRegistry for PortletHandle {0}.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Could not create PortletDescription from PortletDefinition for PortletHandle {0}.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Missing parameter [{0}] in function call [{1}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Provide the required parameters.


Database access error. Could not access data for Portlet {0}.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The servlet parameter {0} was not found in the request.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The request {0} is not supported.
The consumer portal requested an operation that is not supported in this WSRP implementation.
Correction of the condition is required.


Failed to create portlet URL {0}.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Unsupported markup type {0} received from portlet definition. Markup type was ignored.
The consumer portal requested a markup type that is not supported.
No action required.


Unsupported registration ID {0} specified for the WSRP Producer.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The portlet descriptor with the ID {0} could not be found in the portlet registry.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Opening the input stream of the servlet data failed, due to malformed upload context data in index={0}. Record was ignored.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Constructor of {0} failed. Could not be initialized correctly. Please see log files for more details.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required. See log files for more details.


Could not get the portlet description for portlet={0} for {1}.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Failed to initialize {0}.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Access control operation failed for user={0}.
The user is not allowed to perform the attempted action against the resource.
Provide the user with the corresponding rights.


An exception occurred while trying to remove the portlet(s) with the object ID(s) [ {0} ].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


An exception occurred while trying to clone from a portlet with the object ID {0}.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Unable to initialize the portlet pool cache. Nested exception contains details.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required. See nested exceptions for details.


Unable to clone/destroy the portlet {0}: The portlet refers to the portlet application {1} that cannot be located in the application cache.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Unable to locate a portlet with the object ID {0}.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


An exception in the data backend occurred.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Failed to initialize portlet container {0}.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Failed to initialize information provider factory for portlet container {0}.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


An exception in the portlet container {0} occurred during portlet invocation.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


A portlet window could not be created for remote portlet with handle: {0}, instance key: {1}.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Insufficient access rights for remote portlet with handle: {0}, instance key: {1}.
The user is not allowed to perform the attempted action against the resource.
Provide the user with the corresponding rights.


The application instance for portlet instance {0} could not be found due to a database exception.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The portlet instance {0} could not be found due to a database exception.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Failed to serialize {0}.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Failed to deserialize {0}.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


An error occurred while reading a WSRP protocol extension {0}.
This a warning. WSRP functionality could be degraded.
Correction of the condition might be required.


Failed to serialize event {0}.
This is an error message during event serialization. WSRP functionality could be degraded.
Correction of the precondition might be required.


Error during event processing of event {0}.
This is an error message during event processing. WSRP functionality could be degraded.
Correction of the condition is required.