Increasing the JVM heap size

When method trace is enabled for the Ruby Diagnostics Request Traces dashboard or data requests are very large, you can increase the JVM heap size to avoid out of memory errors.

About this task

The Ruby agent is an agent based on Java™, and the default JVM heap size is 384 MB. Take these steps to increase the heap size and thus reduce the likelihood of the out of memory condition. The out of memory condition can occur from frequent large data requests and when you have method trace turned on.


  1. Find the JVM heap size setting in the Ruby agent installation directory, for example, install_dir/lx8266/km/bin/
    Where install_dir is the installation directory of Ruby agent. The default installation directory is /opt/ibm/apm/agent.
    The default value is -Xmx384m.
  2. Increase the value, for example, to 1024 MB, shown as -Xmx1024m:
    export JAVA_OPT="-Djlog.common.dir=$CANDLEHOME/logs -DCONFIG_DIR=$DC_RUNTIME_DIR -Dkqe.cache.interval=60 -Xmx1024m -Dkqe.timespan=900 -Djlog.propertyFileDir.CYN=$CANDLEHOME/$ITM_BINARCH/$PRODUCT_CODE/bin"
  3. Restart the Ruby agent.