Monitoring your IBM Cloud Private applications

Use IBM® Cloud Application Performance Management, Private to monitor your IBM Cloud Private Liberty-based applications.

The setup involves some basic steps:
Configure the Liberty data collector to connect to the Cloud APM server
When you set up a Microservice Builder pipeline and push a Liberty application into Cloud Private, the Liberty data collector is automatically installed. The data collector is initially in a disabled state and gets activated after it discovers the Cloud APM server information. You use the Kubernetes Secrets to provide the server information.

You can also deploy the Liberty data collector into Cloud Private without using Microservice Builder.

For more information, see Configuring Liberty monitoring.

Add an application for managing your Cloud Private applications
To manage your Liberty-based applications, group them by adding an application in the Application Performance Dashboard to group them. Launch the Cloud APM console and create an application with the Liberty managed resources that you configured in your Cloud Private environment. For more information, see Managing applications.
Start monitoring your Cloud Private applications
Now you're ready to use the Cloud APM console for monitoring your Liberty-based microservice applications. Take a look at the dashboards for the application that you created. You can quickly learn where problems with your microservices are occurring. The examples in these screens present the StockTrader application that was created for monitoring the Cloud Private Liberty-based applications.
The application-level dashboard shows the Aggregate Transaction Topology view. Hover your mouse over a node to see more details.
Stock Trader application in the Application level dashboard
Right-click a node and select Go to Transaction Summary Page.
Transaction Summary Page showing a Liberty Runtime instance
Details about the transactions are displayed for the Liberty Runtime instance in the dashboard. The Transaction Volume bar chart shows the volume and average response time. In the Transactions table, you can click a transaction to get a closer look at the details.

You can use the predefined thresholds to monitor your Cloud Private Liberty-based applications. Add additional thresholds for early detection of issues, such as a high transaction failure rate on Liberty. For more information about adding thresholds, see Tutorial: Defining a threshold.