Preserving agent configuration changes

Advanced users can apply override values to component customization. Applying override values ensures that values are retained during an upgrade. Test the changes in your environment first before you apply them globally.

About this task

  • These instructions are for Linux and AIX agents. For a list of the agent product codes and the commands for stopping and starting the agents, see Using agent commands.
  • The Windows agent process preserves configuration changes by design: Updated variables in the kpccma.ini file, where pc is the product code, are kept in the Override Local Settings section. These variables are used during each configuration to update the Windows registry entries that the agents use at run time.
  • The customized settings in the .pc.environment file and .global.environment file are lost after agent upgrade. To preserve your settings, make customization changes in the pc.environment and global.environment files. The settings in these files are not overwritten by agent upgrade.


Take the following steps to save the configuration changes that were made to the environment file and preserve them after agent upgrade:

  1. Create or update any of the following files as needed, where install_dir is the agent installation directory (such as the Linux default /opt/ibm/apm/agent/or AIX default /opt/ibm/ccm/agent/):
    File name Description
    install_dir/config/pc.environment The pc in the file name is the agent product code, such as mq or rz.
    install_dir/config/global.environment Update the global environment file for changes that you want to affect all agent types.
    For example, as.environment is the persistent WebSphere® Applications agent environment file. The .as.environment is overwritten when the agent is upgraded to a new version.
    Define variables in the key=value format where key is the environment variable name and value is the value or setting (such as KDC_FAMILIES=${KDC_FAMILIES}HTTP:10001).
  2. After you are finished updating the variable settings, save and close the environment file and restart the affected agents.


The updates are applied to all agents of the same type or, if you updated the global environment file, to all agents that report to the Cloud APM server. The changes are persisted with agent version upgrades.