Deleting an application

When you no longer need an application that you have defined for display in the Application Performance Dashboard, you can delete it. Deleting an application does not uninstall the supporting components; only the application that they are contained in. The same components are available for adding to other applications and are not removed from other applications that they belong to.

Before you begin

You must have modify permission for Applications or the specific application to use the Remove tool. For more information, see Working with roles, users, and permissions.


Complete the following steps to remove an application from the Application Performance Dashboard.

  1. If the Application Performance Dashboard is not displayed, select it from the Performance menu or, if you are on another console page, click the Home link.
    Application Performance Dashboard section showing the navigator Applications toolbar
  2. In the Applications section of the navigator, select the application that you want to delete from the All My Applications list and click Delete.
    A message asks you to confirm.
  3. Click Yes to confirm that you want to delete the application; or No if you are not sure.


After you click Yes, the application is deleted from the Application Performance Dashboard.

What to do next

Repeat this step for any other applications that you want to delete.