Examples of offline agents

Review the examples of how offline agents are displayed in the Cloud APM console. You can remove the display for any offline agents that you no longer want to monitor. If the agent comes back online later, monitoring resumes.

When an agent is offline, no data is sent to the Cloud APM console and the Application Performance Dashboard displays a Unknown status indicator for the agent and the applications it belongs to. The agent is unavailable for adding to a defined application in the Application editor or to a custom group in the Resource Group Manager, or for creating tables and historical line charts in the Attribute Details tab.

Application Performance Dashboard - All My Applications
The home dashboard page, All My Applications, gives the first indication of offline status. The counter in the navigator Applications section shows the number of applications with unavailable resources.
The summary box shows Normal event status because no events are open for any of the application's managed resources.
All My Applications dashboard page. All agents in the defined application are unavailable and indicated by an Unknown status indicator.
Application Performance Dashboard - Application
After the user clicks the summary box title bar or selects the application from the navigator, the Status Overview tab is displayed with an empty Event Severity Summary chart. The Current Component Status bar chart shows the status for offline agents as Unknown.
Status Overview tab for the selected application that is showing two agents offline.
Application Performance Dashboard - Group
After the user clicks inside the Current Component Status chart or the navigator Components group, the Status Overview tab changes to show a summary group widget for each managed resource. The group widgets for the unavailable agents display a message that the agent is offline instead of KPIs.
Status Overview tab for the Components group that shows two summary group widgets for agent instances that are offline.
Application Performance Dashboard - Instance
After the user clicks inside one of the offline agent summary group widgets, the Status Overview tab shows chart and table widgets for the selected agent. But, as for the summary group widget, only a message that the agent is offline is displayed instead of KPIs for the agent instance.
Status Overview tab for the selected agent instance that is offline.
After the user clicks the Attribute Details tab, a message says that no details are available for the agent instance. It's not possible to create a custom chart or table for the offline agent instance.
Attribute Details tab is open with a message that no details are available for the selected agent instance.
Application editor
In the Application Performance Dashboard, after the user clicks the navigator Applications Add Application or Edit Application tool, the Application editor window pops up.
After the user clicks Add components and selects an agent type, if no agents of that type are installed or are offline, a message informs you that no agent instances are available. If other agent instances are available, they appear in the list.
Application editor with Component Editor open for an agent type that has no instances available.
Resource Group Manager
After the user selects System Configuration > Resource Group Manager, the page opens with a table of resource groups. As you select a group, its constituent agent instances are listed along with the assigned thresholds. If all agents instances are offline, a message says that no instances are available.
Resource Group Manager with resource group selected that has no online agents available.