IBM Performance Management

Configuring the Response Time Monitoring agent

You can customize the data that is collected by the Response Time Monitoring agent for display in the End User Transactions dashboards.

Note: If you want to use both a version 6 Web Response Time agent and a version 8 Response Time Monitoring agent in the same environment, ensure that you install the two agents to different home directories.

In IBM Application Performance Management V8.1.1 and later, you can easily monitor and troubleshoot HTTP transactions, including browser timings, in the IBM Java application stack by using the IBM HTTP Server Response Time module and HTTP Server agent. The IBM HTTP Server Response Time module automatically does JavaScript Injection, ensuring that the real end-user response time is collected from within the browser. Alternatively, you can use the Packet Analyzer to monitor HTTP transactions. The Packet Analyzer is available with Response Time Monitoring agent 08.10.00 and later. For the Packet Analyzer, you must manually instrument your web pages to collect browser timings.

Note: If you switch from using the Packet Analyzer to monitor HTTP transactions to using the IBM HTTP Server Response Time module, you might need to add your applications to the Application Performance Dashboard again, and delete the old applications. You need to recreate your applications if the world-facing web server urlhostname:port is different from the web server that actually serves the requests. You do not need to recreate your applications in the following situations:
  • If the ServerName in httpd.conf is defined as myhost:myport and the IBM HTTP Server Response Time module is installed on myhost with the requests served through port myport
  • usecanonicalphysicalport is set to true