IBM Performance Management

Collecting monitoring agent logs for IBM Support

Use the problem determination collection tool, pdcollect, to gather required logs and other problem determination information that is requested by IBM® Support for monitoring agents. The PD collector tool is installed with each monitoring agent.

Before you begin

Root or administrator permission is required for the PD collector tool to collect system information from the monitoring agents. You can review the agent logs individually in the following folders:
  • Windows[64-bit] install_dir\TMAITM6_x64\logs
  • Windows[32-bit] install_dir\TMAITM6\logs
  • Linux or AIXinstall_dir/logs
Restriction: It is only possible to run one instance of the pdcollect script.

About this task

The default location of install_dir is:
  • WindowsC:\IBM\APM
  • Linux/opt/ibm/apm/agent
  • AIX/opt/ibm/ccm/agent
To run the PD collector tool, complete the following steps:


  1. On the command line, change to the agent directory:
    • Linux or AIXinstall_dir/bin
    • Windowsinstall_dir\BIN
  2. Run the following command:
    • Linux or AIX./pdcollect
    • Windowspdcollect
    A file with a time stamp in the file name is generated in the tmp directory, such as /tmp/pdcollect-nc049021.tar.Z.
  3. Send the output files to your IBM Support representative.