IBM Performance Management

Configuration parameters for the agent

When you configure the Microsoft Lync Server agent, you can change the default values of the configuration parameters, such as the database server name, database instance name, database name, and other parameters.

The following table contains descriptions of the configuration parameters for the Microsoft Lync Server agent.
Note: None of the fields in the following table is a mandatory field.
Table 1. Names and descriptions of the configuration parameters for the agent
Parameter name Description
Database Server Name (for example, PS6877) The name of the database server.
Database Instance Name The name of the database instance.
Database Name The name of the database.
Database User ID The user ID of the database. This user must have access to the required Microsoft SQL Server instance. This user need not be an Active Directory user.
Database Password The password of the database.
Domain UID (for example, lync\administrator) The user ID of the administrator. This user must be a domain user with administrator privileges and access to all the remote servers that are listed in the Lync Server topology.
Domain Password The password of the administrator.
FQDN The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the production system.
Geographic Location The geographic location of the production system.
Test Users1 (for example, The first user name that you can use for executing the synthetic transaction commands.
Test User1 PWD The password of the first user.
Test User2 (for example, The second user name that you can use for executing the synthetic transaction commands.
Test User2 PWD The password of the second user.
Frequency The frequency of the scheduled utility that fetches the data of synthetic transactions. The frequency can have the following values:
Collection Hour The hour part of the time-stamp, in the 24-hour clock format that you select to schedule the utility.
Collection Minute The minutes part of the time-stamp that you select to schedule the utility.
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD) The time when the scheduler is activated.
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD) The time when the scheduler is deactivated.