IBM Performance Management

Tivoli Data Warehouse for historical reporting

When your managed environment includes an IBM® Tivoli® Monitoring domain with a Tivoli Data Warehouse, you can send data samples to the data warehouse from Performance Management agents. You can then access the data to generate Cognos® reports in Tivoli Common Reporting. For example, if you have Windows OS agents in your Tivoli Monitoring and Performance Management domains, you can generate a Windows OS report of historical data from both domains.

To enable sending historical data to Tivoli Data Warehouse, you must complete configuration for each agent type. You configure the Warehouse Proxy agent address, the data sets to collect samples from, the frequency of data collection, and how long to keep the data locally.

This configuration is stored on the Performance Management server. The server distributes the configuration information to the agents. The agents send historical data to the Warehouse Proxy agent, which stores it in Tivoli Data Warehouse.

Concept diagram showing the history file download from the Performance Management server to the Performance Management agents, and data transmission from the agents to the Warehouse Proxy agent, to the Tivoli Data Warehouse. Data from the warehouse is retrieved by the Tivoli Common Reporting server for generating Cognos reports.

In your IBM Performance Management environment, historical data is available for viewing up to 24 hours and comparing with up to 7 days in dashboards with historical charts and tables, described in Adjusting and comparing metrics over time. When you also have an IBM Tivoli Monitoring environment, you can save historical data from Performance Management agents in your Tivoli Data Warehouse for long term storage. The data can then be retrieved from the data warehouse for generating reports with Tivoli Common Reporting and other applications.

For every agent that can send historical data to Tivoli Data Warehouse, you can find a sample history configuration file on your Performance Management server. To configure agents of this type to send data to Tivoli Data Warehouse, create a copy of this file, modify it to provide the necessary configuration information, and save it on the server.