IBM Performance Management

Generating Synthetic Playback agent reports

Run reports for applications that are associated with synthetic transactions.

About this task

Select an application and an associated synthetic transaction in the Application Performance Dashboard and then generate reports based on your selection.

Five multi-page reports are available:
Transactions Overall
This two page report displays the response times and availability ratios of the selected synthetic transaction over a set date range.

Page one displays the following data:

  • A line chart of the response times of the selected synthetic transactions at set intervals over a set date range
  • A table of the average response times in seconds of each synthetic transaction over the set date range

Page two displays the following data:

  • A line chart of the availability ratios of the selected synthetic transactions at set intervals over a set date range
  • A table of the average availability ratio of each synthetic transaction over the set date range

You can access two extra reports from the Transactions Overall report, Timely Analysis by Transactions and HTTP Metrics by Transactions.

Timely Analysis by Transaction displays HTTP metrics of the selected synthetic transaction at set intervals over a set date range. The report includes the following items:

  • A column chart of the HTTP metrics of the selected synthetic transaction at set intervals over the set date range
  • A table of the HTTP metrics in milliseconds of the selected synthetic transaction over the set date range

HTTP Metrics by Transaction displays HTTP metrics of the selected synthetic transaction at set intervals over a set date range. The report includes the following items:

  • A column chart of the HTTP metrics of the selected synthetic transaction at set intervals over the set date range
  • A table of the HTTP metrics in milliseconds of the selected synthetic transaction over the set date range
Transaction Detail By Locations
This two page report displays the response times and availability ratios by location of the selected synthetic transactions and subtransactions over a set date range.

Page one displays the following data:

  • Line charts of the response times by location of the selected synthetic transactions and subtransactions at set intervals over a set date range
  • Tables of the average response times in seconds of all synthetic subtransactions over a set date range at each location

Page two displays the following data:

  • Line charts of the availability ratios by location of the selected synthetic transactions and subtransactions at set intervals over a set date range
  • Tables of the average availability ratios of all synthetic subtransactions over a set date range at each location

You can access four extra reports from the Transaction Detail by Locations report, Timely Analysis by Locations of Transaction, HTTP Metrics by Locations of Transaction, Timely Analysis by Locations of Subtransaction, and HTTP Metrics by Locations of Subtransaction.

Timely Analysis by Locations of Transaction displays HTTP metrics of a synthetic transaction by locations at set intervals over a set date range. The report includes the following items:

  • A column chart of the HTTP metrics of the selected synthetic transaction by locations at set intervals over the set date range
  • A table of the HTTP metrics in milliseconds of the selected synthetic transaction by locations over the set date range

HTTP Metrics by Locations of Transaction displays HTTP metrics of a synthetic transaction by locations at set intervals over a set date range. The report includes the following items:

  • A column chart of the HTTP metrics of the selected synthetic transaction by locations at set intervals over the set date range
  • A table of the HTTP metrics in milliseconds of the selected synthetic transaction by locations over the set date range

Timely Analysis by Locations of Subtransaction displays HTTP metrics of a subtransaction by locations at set intervals over a set date range. The report includes the following items:

  • A column chart of the HTTP metrics of the selected subtransaction by locations at set intervals over the set date range
  • A table of the HTTP metrics in milliseconds of the selected subtransaction by locations over the set date range

HTTP Metrics by Locations of Subtransaction displays HTTP metrics of a synthetic subtransaction by locations at set intervals over a set date range. The report includes the following items:

  • A column chart of the HTTP metrics of the selected subtransaction by locations at set intervals over the set date range
  • A table of the HTTP metrics in milliseconds of the selected subtransaction by locations over the set date range
Transaction Detail By Subtransactions
This two page report displays the response times and availability ratios of synthetic subtransactions at set intervals over a set date range.

Page one displays the following data:

  • A line chart of the response times of the selected synthetic subtransactions at set intervals over a set date range
  • A table of the average response times in seconds of each synthetic subtransaction over the set date range

Page two displays the following data:

  • A line chart of the availability ratios of the selected synthetic subtransactions at set intervals over a set date range
  • A table of the availability ratios of each synthetic subtransaction over the set date range

You can access two extra reports from the Transaction Detail by Subtransactions report, Timely Analysis by Subtransactions and HTTP Metrics by Subtransactions.

Timely Analysis by Locations of Subtransaction displays HTTP metrics of a subtransaction by locations at set intervals over a set date range. The report includes the following items:

  • A column chart of the HTTP metrics of the selected subtransaction at set intervals over a set date range
  • A table of the HTTP metrics in milliseconds of the selected subtransaction over the set date range

HTTP Metrics by Locations of Subtransaction displays HTTP metrics of a synthetic subtransaction by locations at set intervals over a set date range. The report includes the following items:

  • A column chart of the HTTP metrics of the selected subtransaction at set intervals over a set date range
  • A table of the HTTP metrics in milliseconds of the selected subtransaction over the set date range
Trend Of Transactions
This four page report displays a trend analysis of response times, availability ratios, and HTTP metrics over the previous week and over the previous five weeks.

Page one displays trend data on the response times and availability ratios of a synthetic transaction:

  • A combined line chart of the average response times of a selected synthetic transaction over the previous week and over the previous 5 weeks
  • A combined line chart of the availability ratio of a selected synthetic transaction that compares the availability ratio for the previous week with the baseline availability ratio over the previous 5 weeks
  • A table of the average response time and availability ratio of a synthetic transaction over the previous week and over the previous 5 weeks date range
  • A combined line chart of the average response times of a selected synthetic transaction over the previous week and over the previous 5 weeks, by location
  • A combined line chart of the availability ratio of a selected synthetic transaction that compares the availability ratio for the previous week with the baseline availability ratio over the previous 5 weeks, by location
  • A table of the average response times and availability ratios of a selected synthetic transaction over the previous week and over the previous 5 weeks, by location
  • A combined line chart of the average response times of the subtransactions of a selected synthetic transaction over previous last week and over the previous 5 weeks
  • A combined line chart of the average availability ratios of the subtransactions of a selected synthetic transaction that compares the availability ratio for the previous week with the baseline availability ratio over the previous 5 weeks
  • A table of the average response times and availability ratios of the subtransactions of a selected synthetic transaction over the previous week and over the previous 5 weeks

Page two displays trend data on the HTTP metrics of a synthetic transaction:

  • A combined line chart of the average blocking times of a selected synthetic transaction over the previous week and over the previous 5 weeks
  • A combined line chart of the average DNS times of a selected synthetic transaction over the previous week and over the previous 5 weeks
  • A combined line chart of the average SSL times of a selected synthetic transaction over the previous week and over the previous 5 weeks
  • A combined line chart of the average connect times of a selected synthetic transaction over the previous week and over the previous 5 weeks
  • A combined line chart of the average sending times of a selected synthetic transaction over the previous week and over the previous 5 weeks
  • A combined line chart of the average receiving times of a selected synthetic transaction over the previous week and over the previous 5 weeks
  • A combined line chart of the average rendering times of a selected synthetic transaction over the previous week and over the previous 5 weeks
  • A table of average HTTP metrics of a synthetic transaction over the previous week and over the previous 5 weeks

Page three displays trend data on HTTP metrics in milliseconds of a synthetic transaction by location. The charts and table compare HTTP metric averages over the previous week with the baseline metric average over the previous 5 weeks:

  • Seven combined line charts that compare different average HTTP metrics of a selected synthetic transaction for the previous week with the baseline metric over the previous 5 weeks by location
  • A table of average HTTP metrics of a selected synthetic transaction over the previous week and over the previous 5 weeks by location

Page four displays trend data on HTTP metrics in milliseconds for subtransactions. The charts and table compare HTTP metric averages over the previous week with the baseline metric averages over the previous 5 weeks:

  • Seven combined line charts that compare average values of different HTTP metrics of a selected synthetic transaction for the previous week with the baseline metric over the previous 5 weeks by subtransaction
  • A table of average values of HTTP metrics of a selected synthetic transaction over the previous week and over the previous 5 weeks by subtransaction
Trend Of Subtransactions
This two page report displays a trend analysis of the response times, availability ratios, and HTTP metrics for subtransactions over the last week and over the previous five weeks.

Page one displays trend data on the response times and availability ratios of subtransactions for the previous Sunday, the previous week, and the previous five weeks:

  • A table that compares subtransaction response times and availability ratios from the previous Sunday, the previous week, and the previous 5 weeks
  • A combined line chart that compares the average response times of subtransactions for the previous week with the baseline response time for the previous 5 weeks
  • A combined line chart that compares the average availability ratio of subtransactions for the previous week with the baseline availability ratio for the previous 5 weeks
  • A table of average response times and availability ratios of subtransactions for the previous week.
  • A table of average response times and availability ratios of subtransactions for the previous 5 weeks.

Page two displays trend data on HTTP metrics in milliseconds for subtransactions. The charts and tables display HTTP metric averages of subtransactions over the previous week with the baseline metric averages over the previous five weeks:

  • Seven tables of average values of HTTP metrics of the selected transaction for the previous Sunday, the previous week, and over the previous 5 weeks by subtransactions
  • Seven combined line charts that compare different average HTTP metrics in milliseconds of the selected transaction for the previous week with the baseline availability ratio over the previous 5 weeks by subtransactions
  • A table of average values of HTTP metrics of subtransactions for the previous week.
  • A table of average values of HTTP metrics of subtransactions for the previous 5 weeks.


To generate reports, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Performance icon Graphic of the Performance icon and select Application Performance Dashboard. To choose an application, expand All My Applications and select an application. To display all synthetic transactions that are associated with the selected application, click Groups > Transactions > Synthetic Transactions.
  2. Select a synthetic transaction from the Transaction List table. To run a report, click Actions > Launch to Reports and select one of the following reports:
    • Transactions Overall
    • Transaction Detail By Locations
    • Transaction Detail By Subtransactions
    • Trend of Transactions
    • Trend of Subtransactions
    A configuration page opens in a new tab in your web browser.
  3. To set the date range for your report, select a predefined date range, or enter a custom date range.
  4. To set the time interval for your report, select an interval from Time Type. Set your report to display data from your synthetic transactions and subtransactions at Hourly, Daily, or Weekly intervals, over the set date range. To generate your report, click Finish.
  5. To view reports on HTTP metrics for transactions, subtransactions, or locations, you must select a transaction, subtransaction, or location in the Transactions Overall, Transaction Detail By Locations, or Transaction Detail By Subtransactions reports.
    • To view Timely Analysis by Transactions, right-click on a transaction name in the Transactions Overall report and select Go To > Http Metrics Analysis by Time.
    • To view HTTP Metrics by Transactions, right-click on a transaction name in the Transactions Overall report and select Go To > Http Metrics Aggregation.
    • To view Timely Analysis by Locations of Transaction, right-click on a transaction name in the Transaction Detail By Locations report and select Go To > Http Metrics Analysis by Time.
    • To view HTTP Metrics by Locations of Transaction, right-click on a transaction name in the Transaction Detail By Locations report and select Go To > Http Metrics Aggregation.
    • To view Timely Analysis by Locations of Subtransaction, right-click on a subtransaction name in the Transaction Detail By Locations report and select Go To > Http Metrics Analysis by Time.
    • To view HTTP Metrics by Locations of Subtransaction, right-click on a subtransaction name in the Transaction Detail By Locations report and select Go To > Http Metrics Aggregation.
    • To view Timely Analysis by Subtransactions, right-click on a subtransaction name in the Trend of Subtransactions report and select Go To > Http Metrics Analysis by Time.
    • To view HTTP Metrics by Subtransactions, right-click on a subtransaction name in the Trend of Subtransactions report and select Go To > Http Metrics Aggregation.