Tealeaf Customer Experience on Cloud

This Service Description describes the SaaS Product. The applicable order documents provide pricing and additional details about Customer's order.

1. SaaS Product

1.1 Tealeaf Customer Experience on Cloud

The Customer may select from the following available offerings.

1.1.1 Tealeaf CX on Cloud

Tealeaf CX on Cloud is an analytics solution for traditional web, native mobile and mobile/responsive web applications. The solution is designed to help Customers understand and improve the overall end user experience by analyzing behavioral problems from large and complex data sets. Data including application interactions, device information, and user context will be captured and sent to the Acoustic hosted environment. Tealeaf CX on Cloud comes with numerous "out of the box" reports, and dashboards that allow the Customer to consume their results nearly immediately. In addition to the predefined reports and dashboards, users can customize both reports and dashboards to meet more specific analytic needs.

Tealeaf CX on Cloud base package includes the following:
  1. Application Profiles

    Included in the subscription fee is the ability to configure up to 10 Application Profiles. An Application Profile is a reporting entity with associated permissions assignable to the user. Typically, an Application Profile has a one-to-one mapping with a single application or website. Customer should consult with the Tealeaf Lab Services team if they wish to combine multiple application(s) and/or website(s) into a single Application Profile for reporting purposes.

    The first Application Profile will be configured by Acoustic and available when the SaaS Product is provisioned. If more than 10 Application Profiles are needed, a request can be submitted to Acoustic Support and agreed to by Acoustic and Customer. Additional Application Profiles will not be unreasonably withheld.

  2. Authorized Users

    Included in the subscription fee are 50 Authorized Users. The Tealeaf CX on Cloud Additional Users can be purchased for each additional Authorized User required above the included 50.

  3. Data Retention Periods
    Included in the subscription fee for the SaaS Product are the following data retention periods:
    1. 12 months of rolling Reporting Data. Reporting Data is defined as metric and dimensions associated with the reports and dashboards in the SaaS Product.
    2. Seven (7) calendar days of rolling Capture Data. Capture Data is defined as data collection from the Tealeaf SDK.

1.2 Optional Services

1.2.1 Tealeaf CX on Cloud Reporting Data Retention Extension

The Reporting Data Retention Extension provides the option for Customer to retain certain stored data elements for an extended length of time, namely:
  • Additional 12 months rolling retention of Reporting Data for a total maximum of 24 months of rolling Reporting Data storage.

1.2.2 Tealeaf CX on Cloud Capture Data Retention Extension

The Capture Data Retention Extension provides the option for Customer to retain certain stored data elements for an extended length of time. Capture Data Retention Extension is available in the following increments, added onto the base Tealeaf CX on Cloud Capture Data retention of 7 days:
  • 7 additional days
  • 14 additional days
  • 21 additional days
  • 49 additional days
  • 77 additional days
  • 105 additional days

1.2.3 Tealeaf CX on Cloud Additional Users

This service provides Customer with the option to purchase additional authorized users in addition to the 50 provided in the Tealeaf CX on Cloud subscription.

1.2.4 Tealeaf CX Overstat on Cloud

Tealeaf CX Overstat on Cloud is an add-on solution that provides usability analytics designed to help Customers understand how users are interacting with their website and mobile content. Tealeaf CX Overstat on Cloud makes certain usability overlays available such as heat maps, link analytics, form analytics, attention maps, and accessibility overlays. This solution provides the Customer aggregated data across all users and the ability to drill down into individual user sessions to help target usability confusion and struggle and quantify the financial impact.

Included in the subscription fee for Tealeaf CX Overstat on Cloud is the following:
  • The ability to capture up to 250 snapshots. A snapshot is a page or screen for which usability data can be aggregated and reported on. If more than 250 snapshots are needed, a request can be submitted to Acoustic Support and agreed to by Acoustic and the Customer. Additional snapshots will not be unreasonably withheld.
  • One (1) month of rolling reporting data. Reporting data is defined as metric and dimensions associated with the reports and overlays for Tealeaf CX Overstat on Cloud.

1.2.5 Tealeaf CX on Cloud Akamai Connector

The Tealeaf CX on Cloud Akamai Connector enables Customers to send Akamai network data to Tealeaf CX on Cloud, such as error codes, BOT and cached traffic. This augments the data available to Tealeaf CX on Cloud 's behavior analytics to help Customers understand and improve their end user experience. The Customer must be an existing Akamai Customer. The number of users are limited by the Customer's base Tealeaf CX on Cloud subscription. Included in the Tealeaf CX on Cloud Akamai Connector subscription fee is seven (7) calendar days of rolling Capture Data.

This SaaS Product is entitled based on Monthly Million Interactions. An "Interaction" is defined as an HTTP request "Hit" to an Akamai server to access an object. The maximum size of an Akamai Hit is 100 KB of transmitted data. If an Akamai Hit size exceeds 100 KB, the total number of Akamai Hit size will be divided by 100 KB, rounded up to the next whole number, to determine the total number of Interactions counted towards Customer's Monthly Million Interaction entitlements. Overage fees will be charged should Customer exceed their total entitled Monthly Million Interactions.

1.2.6 Tealeaf CX on Cloud Akamai Connector Capture Data Retention Extension

The Tealeaf CX on Cloud Akamai Connector Capture Data Retention provides the Customer with the option to retain certain stored data elements for an extended length of time. Capture Data Retention Extension is available in the following increments, adding onto the base Tealeaf CX on Cloud subscription's Capture Data Retention of seven (7) calendar days. The Customer should have the same number of calendar days of rolling Capture Data Retention for the base Tealeaf CX on Cloud subscription and the Tealeaf CX on Cloud Akamai Connector add-on.
  • 7 additional days
  • 14 additional days
  • 21 additional days
  • 49 additional days
  • 77 additional days
  • 105 additional days

1.2.7 Tealeaf CX on Cloud Network Capture Add-On

Network Capture Add-On is a hybrid cloud solution that provides the option for Customers to send their network traffic data to Tealeaf CX on Cloud for additional customer insights. This solution supports passive capture of network traffic for all user sessions and allows Customer to configure and evaluate events that track network and sever errors and monitor performance issues that affect user experience. In addition, Customers can drill down into individual sessions to evaluate the HTML request and response data to understand the root cause of customer struggle. This solution requires Customers to install and maintain a light set of on-premise infrastructure needed to forward network traffic to the cloud environment.

Included in the subscription fee for the Tealeaf CX on Cloud Network Capture Add-On is the following:
  • 7 calendar days of rolling Network Capture Data.
  • Passive Capture Application that captures all requests and response of the web application.
  • Data Transport Application that processes the request and response data, filters or encrypts sensitive data and routes the data to Tealeaf CX on Cloud.

1.2.8 Tealeaf CX on Cloud Network Capture Data Retention Add-On

The Network Capture Data Retention Extension Add-On provides the option for Customer to retain certain stored data elements for an extended length of time, namely:
  • Additional 7 calendar days rolling retention of Network Capture Data for a total maximum of 14 days of rolling Reporting Capture Data storage.

1.2.9 Tealeaf CX on Cloud Data Export Add-On

Session export provides the capability to export the sessions based on defined criteria. Customers can export the sessions as different formats depending on their use cases. Customers can conduct data analysis using Tealeaf CX on Cloud raw session data download. In addition, Customers can facilitate resolution of various use cases that require long-term records of online interactions, as Customers can upload the exported file back into the Tealeaf CX on Cloud UI for session replay. Customers can schedule, manage, and monitor the export tasks.

Included in the subscription fee for the Tealeaf CX on Cloud Data Export Add-on is the following:
  • Export capability of Tealeaf CX on Cloud Data within the purchased Tealeaf CX on Cloud retention period.
  • Three additional calendar days retention of the exported data in Acoustic Cloud Object Storage. Customer must obtain separate storage capacity in order to retain exported data longer than the 3 additional days.
  • This SaaS Product is entitled based on Monthly Million Interactions. The size of exported data is defined as an "Interaction" where the maximum size of an Interaction of exported data is 20 MB. Interactions that exceed 20MB will be rounded up to the next 20MB increment and count towards Customer's total entitled Monthly Million Interactions. Overage fees will be charged should Customer exceed their total entitled Monthly Million Interactions.

1.3 Acceleration Services

Setup services are purchased using the Engagement charge metric and will be invoiced when ordered.

1.3.1 Tealeaf CX on Cloud Onboarding Service

This onboarding service provides the following remote consulting, product training, and configuration for onboarding Customer to Tealeaf CX on Cloud based on the allocation of 48hours of remotely delivered services listed below:
  • Assist Customer with the implementation and instrumentation of the Tealeaf software development kit (SDK).
  • Training to educate Customer on general product information and overall usage.
The Tealeaf CX on Cloud Onboarding Service is purchased per Engagement with one Engagement per Customer. The Remote Service expires 90 days from the date Customer is notified by Acoustic that access to the SaaS Product is available regardless of whether all hours have been used.

1.3.2 Tealeaf CX on Cloud Quick Start Setup Service

Tealeaf CX on Cloud Quick Start Setup Services deploys one end-to-end use case including project management, SDK extensions and configurations for custom data capture needs, optimizations, advance/custom SDK configurations, Replay configurations for the defined use case, data validation and 3 analytical reports (Funnel Report, Customer Behavior Report, business Impact Report). This service provides 120 hours of remotely delivered deployment services. This Service expires 90 days from the start date of the engagement regardless of whether all hours have been used.

1.3.3Tealeaf CX on Cloud Basic Deployment and Analytics Service

Tealeaf CX on Cloud Basic Deployment and Analytics Service provides an extended set up package and an ongoing best practices and analytics service available at either six (6) or twelve (12) months of service. The extended set up package delivers 112 hours of remotely delivered extended deployment services, includes SDK extensions and configurations for custom data capture needs, SDK optimizations, replay configuration (up to 3 use cases), data validation, and a 'known issues KPI analysis' report. The ongoing best practices and analytics services deliver 16 hours per month for Customer's six or twelve month remotely delivered service period, which includes ongoing data capture configuration, data validation and report configuration, customer experience investigation, and business impact analysis.
  • Tealeaf CX on Cloud Basic Deployment and Analytics 6 Months Service provides 208 hours of services combining an extended set up package and ongoing analytics service for six months. This Service expires 212 days from the start date of the engagement regardless of whether all hours have been used.
  • Tealeaf CX on Cloud Basic Deployment and Analytics 12 Months Service provides 304 hours of services combing an extended set up package and ongoing analytics service for twelvemonths. This Service expires 395 days from the start date of the engagement regardless of whether all hours have been used.

1.3.4 Tealeaf CX on Cloud Standard Deployment and Analytics Service

Tealeaf CX on Cloud Standard Deployment and Analytics Service provides an extended set up package, a best practices package, and an ongoing best practices and analytics service available at either six (6) or twelve (12) months of service. The extended set up package delivers 112 hours of remotely delivered extended deployment services, which includes SDK extensions and configurations for custom data capture needs, SDK optimizations, replay configuration (up to 3 use cases), data validation, and a 'known issues KPI analysis' report. The best practices package provides 80 hours of remotely delivered custom experience investigation and a business impact analysis. The ongoing best practices and analytics services deliver 40 hours per month for Customer's six or twelve month remotely delivered service period, which includes ongoing data capture configuration, data validation and report configuration, customer experience investigation, business impact analysis.
  • Tealeaf CX on Cloud Standard Deployment and Analytics 6 Months Service provides 432 hours of services combining an extended set up package, a best practices package, and an ongoing best practices and analytics service for six months. This Service expires 212 days from the start date of the engagement regardless of whether all hours have been used.
  • Tealeaf CX on Cloud Standard Deployment and Analytics 12 Months Service provides 672 hours of services combining an extended set up package, a best practices package, and an ongoing best practices and analytics service for twelve months. This Service expires 395 days from the start of the engagement regardless of whether all hours have been used.

1.3.5 Tealeaf CX on Cloud Advanced Deployment and Analytics 12 Months Service

Tealeaf CX on Cloud Advanced Deployment & Analytics 12 Months Service provides 1,080 hours of services combining an extended set up package, a best practices package, an ongoing best practices and analytics service for 12 months, and the AVP One-point Program for 12 months. The extended set up package delivers 112 hours of remotely delivered extended deployment services, which includes SDK extensions and configurations for custom data capture needs, SDK optimizations, replay configuration (up to 3 use cases), data validation and a 'known issues KPI analysis' report. The best practices package provides 80 hours of remotely delivered customer experience investigation and a business impact analysis. The ongoing best practices and analytics services delivers 64 hours per month for 12 months of remotely delivered services which includes ongoing data capture configuration, data validation and report configuration, customer experience investigation, business impact analysis and data science services. The AVP One-point program delivers 10 hours per month (total 120 hours) of remotely delivered personalized support service, with a named contact. This Service expires 395 days from the start date of the engagement regardless of whether all hours have been used.

1.3.6 Tealeaf CX on Cloud Mobile App Integration Add-on Service

Tealeaf CX on Cloud Mobile App Integration Add-on can be added on to any of the Deployment and Analytics Service Engagements to provide integration to one (1) Mobile Application. Multiples of this part can be purchased if integration is required for multiple Mobile Apps. This Service includes 48 hours of remotely delivered services that delivers a Mobile SDK setup. This Service expires 90 days from the start date of the engagement regardless of whether all hours have been used.

1.3.7 Tealeaf CX on Cloud Replay Configuration Add-on Service

Tealeaf CX on Cloud Replay Configuration Add-on can be added on to any of the Deployment and Analytics Service Engagements to provide Replay configuration for one (1) specific use case. It delivers 96 hours of remotely delivered services, which includes Replay SDK configuration, session Replay configuration, and a Replay technology workshop. This Service expires 90 days from the start date of the engagement regardless of whether all hours have been used.

1.3.8 Tealeaf CX on Cloud Customer Experience Investigation Service

Tealeaf CX on Cloud Customer Experience Investigation Service Engagement delivers 40 hours of remotely delivered services, which includes evaluation of customer experience goals and opportunities and developing a roadmap for increasing usage and value of Tealeaf CX on Cloud. This Service expires 90 days from the start date of the engagement regardless of whether all hours have been used.

1.3.9 Tealeaf CX on Cloud Known Issues KPI Analysis Service

Tealeaf CX on Cloud Known Issues KPI Analysis Service delivers 16 hours of remotely delivered services, which includes proactive monitoring of known site issues in real time and creating alerts and top mover reporting. This Service expires 90 days from the start date of the engagement regardless of whether all hours have been used.

1.3.10 Tealeaf CX on Cloud Business Impact Analysis Service

Tealeaf CX on Cloud Business Impact Analysis Service delivers 40 hours of remotely delivered services. It focuses on improvements in alignment with business and IT goals. It prioritizes website issues based on business impact, and provides preemptive issue resolution. This Service expires 90 days from the start date of the engagement regardless of whether all hours have been used.

1.3.11Tealeaf CX on Cloud Basic Ongoing Service

Tealeaf CX on Cloud Basic Ongoing Service is a remotely delivered subscription service that delivers 16 hours of remotely delivered ongoing best practices and analytics services per month within each entitlement. It includes data capture configuration, data validation and report configuration, customer experience investigation, and business impact analysis. Unused hours do not roll over month to month. This service will co-terminate with the Tealeaf CX on Cloud subscription.

1.3.12 Tealeaf CX on Cloud Standard Ongoing Service

Tealeaf CX on Cloud Standard Ongoing Service is a remotely delivered subscription service that delivers 40 hours of remotely delivered ongoing best practices and analytics services per month within each entitlement. It includes data capture configuration, data validation, report configuration, customer experience investigation, and business impact analysis. Unused hours do not roll over month to month. This service will co-terminate with the Tealeaf CX on Cloud subscription.

1.3.13 Tealeaf CX on Cloud Advanced Ongoing Service

Tealeaf CX on Cloud Advanced Ongoing Service is a remotely delivered subscription service that delivers 64 hours of remotely delivered ongoing best practices and analytics services per month within each entitlement. It includes data capture configuration, data validation, report configuration, customer experience investigation, business impact analysis and data science services and the AVP One-point program delivers 10 hours per month of remotely delivered personalized support service, with a named contact. Unused hours do not roll over month to month. This service will co-terminate with the Tealeaf CX on Cloud subscription.

1.3.14 Tealeaf CX on Cloud AVP One-Point Ongoing Service

Tealeaf CX on Cloud AVP One-Point Ongoing Service is a remotely delivered subscription service that delivers 10 hours per month of personalized support services within each entitlement. It provides a personalized support service with a technical single point of contact in support of Tealeaf CX on Cloud. Unused hours do not roll over month to month. This service will co-terminate with the Tealeaf CX on Cloud subscription.

2. Service Levels

2.1 Service Level Agreement

Acoustic provides the Customer with the following availability service level agreement (SLA). Acoustic will apply the highest applicable compensation based on the cumulative availability of the SaaS Productas shown in the table below. The availability percentage is calculated as the total number of minutes in a contracted month, minus the total number of minutes of Service Down in the contracted month, divided by the total number of minutes in the contracted month. The Service Down definition, the claim process and how to contact Acoustic regarding service availability issues are in Acoustic's SaaS support overview at https://developer.ibm.com/customer-engagement/docs/support-handbook/.
Table 1. Service Levels
Availability Credit (% of monthly subscription fee*)
Less than 99.9% 2%
Less than 99.0% 5%
Less than 95.0% 10%
* The subscription fee is the contracted price for the month which is subject to the claim.

2.1.1 Exclusion

The SLA is not available for SaaS Products identified as "Connectors".

3. charges

3.1 Charge Metrics

The charge metric(s) for the SaaS Product are specified in the Transaction Document.

The following charge metrics apply to this SaaS Product:
  • Authorized User is a unique user authorized to access to the SaaS Products in any manner directly or indirectly (for example, through a multiplexing program, device or application server) through any means.
  • Engagement is a professional or training service related to the SaaS Products.
  • Interactions is a unit of measure by which the SaaS Product can be obtained. An Interaction is a digital interaction with an application captured by the SaaS Product, either at the network level (e.g., a request and response pair ("Hit") over http or https) or otherwise.
When a packet quantity is specified for Overage, excess use will be charged for the number of whole packets to cover the excess use.

4. Additional Terms

4.1 Enabling Software

Table 2. Enabling Software is provided to Customer under the following terms:
Enabling Software Applicable License Terms (if any)
Tealeaf CX on Cloud–Android SDK https://github.com/ibm-watson-cxa/IBMTealeaf/tree/master/Licenses
Tealeaf CX on Cloud–iOS SDK https://github.com/ibm-watson-cxa/IBMTealeaf/tree/master/Licenses
Tealeaf UI Capture SDK https://github.com/ibm-watson-cxa/IBMTealeaf/blob/master/Licenses/LA_en

4.2 Data Smoothing Charges

If actual usage of the Cloud Service during a twelve-month subscription period exceeds twelve (12) times the entitlement specified in a Transaction Document, then Client will be invoiced for the overage in accordance with the overage rates specified in the applicable Transaction Document.

4.3 No Personal Health Information or Regulated Content

The SaaS Product is not designed to comply with HIPAA and may not be used for the transmission or storage of any Personal Health Information.

The SaaS Product is not designed to comply with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) standard and may not be used for the transmission or storage of any PCI Information.

Akamai customers should not send domains with PCI information.

4.4 Data Retention

All data is stored and removed based on a rolling window of time which is built around the concept of first in, first out. Data is stored for a set amount of time and is then discarded as the specified time window expires. The rolling data retention window begins as soon as data starts flowing into the system and is updated daily. By purchasing a subscription to Tealeaf CX on Cloud, the Customer is allotted a specific amount of data storage based on their monthly MI entitlement. This storage allotment is available to Customer within their Tealeaf CX on Cloud solution. If the Customer goes beyond the allotted storage they must come back into compliance with the storage limit by cleaning up old events, dimensions and reports. If the Customer does not perform this action in 30 days, their data retention period will reduce in order to account for the increased storage.