Gives Debug Tool control at each specified statement or line within the given set of ranges.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
       '-every_clause-'  +-LINE------+   

   |    .-,------------------.    |  '-WHEN--condition-'   
   |    V                    |    |                        


Sets a breakpoint at every STATEMENT or LINE.
A valid Debug Tool command. If you are using remote debug mode, you can specify only commands that are supported in remote debug mode.
A valid Debug Tool conditional expression.

Usage notes

  • Set a breakpoint at statement or line number 23. The current programming language setting is COBOL.
    AT 23 LIST 'About to close the file';
  • Set breakpoints at statements 5 through 9 of compile unit mycu. The current programming language setting is C.
    AT STATEMENT "mycu":>5 - 9;
  • Set breakpoints at lines 19 through 23 and at statements 27 and 31.
    AT LINE (19 - 23, 27, 31);
    AT LINE (27, 31, 19 - 23);
  • To set a breakpoint at statement or line 100 that is raised only when the value of myvar is equal to 100, enter the following command:
    AT 100 WHEN myvar=100;

Refer to the following topics for more information related to the material discussed in this topic.