Node capacity locking

You can enable node capacity locking.

If node capacity locking is enabled by the yfs.nodecapacity.lock property, the following sequence takes place:
  1. Each capacity check determines whether the capacity is less than the threshold value that is specified with the yfs.nodecapacity.threshold property.
  2. If node capacity is more than the defined threshold, locking is not performed for the inquired resource pool and date. If node capacity is less than the defined threshold, then future availability checks require locking before the checking availability. This notifies all other threads for this resource pool and date that a lock is required.
  3. Subsequent availability checks await the lock for the timeout interval that is specified in the yfs.nodecapacity.timeout property.
  4. If this interval expires, the availability check assumes that there is no capacity available and reverts to the configured sourcing and inventory logic.
  5. Configure the number of attempts to lock for availability check in the nodecapacity.maxLockRetry property. After the configured number of attempts are complete, system assumes the capacity to be unavailable for the inquired resource pool and date. This property works along with the yfs.nodecapacity.timeout property.

    Configure the nodecapacity.maxLockRetry property as nodecapacity.maxLockRetry =<Integer>. For example, nodecapacity.maxLockRetry =2).

    The default value of this property is 1.

The timeout interval can also be configured to wait indefinitely.