About dashboards, dashlets, and registries

A dashboard is a page that consists of multiple components, mostly independent of each other. Dashboards are reusable, customizable, can display different types of information at one place.

For example, dashboards can be used to present summarized views for a quick overview of various features. Or dashboards can be used as a directory of navigation and action links. Or dashboards can be used as a parallel processing engine where different components coexist and function independently.

Dashboard components

A dashboard is composed of following two components:

A dashlet is an individual component that can be added to or removed from a dashboard. They are a reusable unit of functionality.
A dashboard is a container consisting of multiple dashlets. It controls the way a dashlet is organized in a dashboard.

Dashboards are controlled by metadata and are associated with two metadata registries:

Dashboard Registry
The dashboard registry contains the list of all available dashboards in an application. You must register the dashboard metadata definition with the dashboard registry before using it.
Dashlet Registry
The dashlet registry contains the list of all dashlet definitions in an application. You must register the dashlet metadata definition with the dashlet registry before adding the dashlet to the dashboard.