What's new in API Connect

Review what's new and changed in the latest version of API Connect in Cloud Pak for Integration.

Version 2021.1

Changes to user registries
API Connect now configures Cloud Pak for Integration IAM (Identity and Access Management) as the API Connect user registry called "Common Services User Registry".

Any existing user registries from previous deployments are maintained, but the API Manager local user registry (LUR) is disabled by default for new installations. If you want to enable the API Manager LUR, see Selecting user registries for Cloud Manager and API Manager in the API Connect documentation.

Attention: You should start using the CSUR going forward from 2021.1 for both the Cloud Manager and the API Manager interfaces. The Admin organization's LUR is deprecated in v2021.1 and will be removed in a future release.
Single sign-on enabled
Single Sign-on (SSO) is enabled between API Connect and the IBM Cloud Pak® for Integration platform. When a user logs in to Cloud Pak for Integration, they can open API Connect without logging in again. Starting with Cloud Pak for Integration 2021.1, users must log in to the Cloud Pak for Integration platform in order to access API Connect's Cloud Manager and API Manager user interfaces.
Automatic on-boarding for admins and users
API Connect automatically on-boards the OpenShift kubeadmin user into the Common Services User Registry (CSUR) as the API Connect Administrator. The Common Services admin is on-boarded into the CSUR as the System Administrator as in previous versions.

A Cloud Pak for Integration user is on-boarded to the API Connect CSUR the first time they open the API Manager or Cloud Manager interface. After the user is on-boarded, you can add them to provider organizations and assign them to user roles. When you send an invitation to a user, the user must open a private (incognito) browser window to accept the invitation.

Toolkit login path
When API Connect is deployed as a capability of Cloud Pak for Integration, users must log in to the API Connect toolkit (CLI and API Designer app) with a different URL format than is required for stand-alone API Connect deployments. You can determine the URL that your Cloud Pak for Integration users need for toolkit logins by completing the steps in Determining the endpoint URL for the toolkit.
New redirect URIs for third-party OIDC providers
Version 2021.1.1 of Cloud Pak for Integration implements new Platform Navigator routes, which affects the third-party OIDC redirect URLs used in your company's APIs. When the upgrade to Cloud Pak for Integration 2021.1.1 is complete, notify the members of your provider organizations to update their OIDC client application registrations with their third-party OIDC providers. The updated redirect URLs are displayed in API Connect in both the Cloud Manager and API Manager interfaces:
  1. In the navigation pane, click Resources.
  2. Click User Registries.
  3. Select the OIDC User Registry and click Edit.
  4. Locate the Redirect URI section to see the updated URLs.
Your users should copy the redirect URIs and update their third-party OIDC providers client application registrations.
Additional information on changes in API Connect