Linux operating systems

Uninstalling the Ubuntu Linux x86_64 client

Use the following procedure to uninstall the Tivoli® Storage Manager Linux 64-bit client.


To uninstall a previously installed Tivoli Storage Manager client package, enter the following commands to remove the packages for journal-based backup, the backup-archive client, the API, and the IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit). Instructions to uninstall the filepath component are provided with the source code for filepath, when you obtain the software from IBM®.

  1. To uninstall only the journal-based backup components, remove both the tivsm-jbb and the filepath component. The tivsm-jbb package depends on the filepath package. Uninstall the tivsm-jbb package first.
    1. sudo dpkg -r tivsm-jbb
    2. sudo dpkg -r tivsm-filepath
  2. Uninstall the backup-archive client packages:
    1. If you installed the optional tivsm-bacit package, uninstall it before you uninstall the client:
      sudo dpkg -r tivsm-bacit
    2. Uninstall the backup-archive client.
      sudo dpkg -r tivsm-ba
    Note: If language packages are installed in a Version 7.1.2 or earlier client, you must remove them before you remove the API package. Enter the following command, and replace xx-xx with the language code for each additional language that you installed. For a list of language code identifiers, see Table 1.
    dpkg -r tivsm-msg.xx-xx
    Table 1. Language pack identifiers
    Language Language identifier
    Czech cs-cz
    French fr-fr
    German de-de
    Hungarian hu-hu
    Italian it-it
    Japanese ja-jp
    Korean ko-kr
    Polish pl-pl
    Portuguese pt-br
    Russian ru-ru
    Spanish es-es
    Traditional Chinese (EUC) zh-cn
    Traditional Chinese Big5 zh-tw
  3. Uninstall any products that depend on the API, such as IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Data Protection products. Any API-dependent products must be uninstalled before you uninstall the API package. If you uninstall an API-dependent product, you must reinstall it after you install a newer version of the backup-archive client and API packages. Consult the documentation of the dependent product to determine what you need to do to prevent data loss when you uninstall and reinstall the products.
    1. If you installed the optional API common inventory package (tivsm-apicit), uninstall it before you uninstall the API package. Use the following command to uninstall the package:
      sudo dpkg -r tivsm-apicit
    2. Uninstall the API package by using the following command:
      sudo dpkg -r tivsm-api64
  4. To remove the GSKit 64-bit packages, enter the following command:
    sudo dpkg -r gskcrypt64 gskssl64