DELETE BACKUPSET (Delete a backup set)

Use this command to manually delete a backup set before its retention period expires.

When the server creates a backup set, the retention period assigned to the backup set determines how long the backup set remains in the database. When that date passes, the server automatically deletes the backup set when expiration processing runs. However, you can also manually delete the client's backup set from the server before it is scheduled to expire by using the DELETE BACKUPSET command.

Attention: If the volumes contain multiple backup sets, they are not returned to scratch status until all the backup sets are expired or are deleted.

Privilege class

If the REQSYSAUTHOUTFILE server option is set to YES (the default), the administrator must have system privilege. If the REQSYSAUTHOUTFILE server option is set to NO, the administrator must have system privilege or policy privilege for the domain to which the client node is assigned.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
                     V                     |   
>>-DELete BACKUPSET----+-node_name-------+-+-------------------->

   V                 |                           

   '-BEGINTime--=--time-'  '-ENDDate--=--date-'   

   '-ENDTime--=--time-'  |                   .-,---------. |   
                         |                   V           | |   



   .-Preview -=--No------.   


node_name or node_group_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the client nodes or node groups whose data is contained in the specified backup set volumes. To specify multiple node and node group names, separate the names with commas and no intervening spaces. Any node name you specify may contain wildcard characters, but node group names cannot contain wildcard characters. If backup set volumes contain backup sets from multiple nodes then every backup set whose node name matches one of the specified node names will be deleted.
backup_set_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the backup set to delete. The backup set name you specify can contain wildcard characters. You can specify more than one backup set name by separating the names with commas and no intervening spaces.
Specifies the beginning date in which the backup set to delete was created. This parameter is optional. You can use this parameter with the BEGINTIME parameter to specify a range for the date and time. If you specify a begin date without a begin time, the time will be at 12:00 a.m. (midnight) on the date you specify.
You can specify the date by using one of the following values:
Value Description Example
MM/DD/YYYY A specific date 09/15/1999
TODAY The current date TODAY
TODAY+days or +days The current date plus days specified. TODAY +3 or +3.
TODAY-days or -days The current date minus days specified. TODAY -3 or -3.
EOLM (End Of Last Month) The last day of the previous month. EOLM
EOLM-days The last day of the previous month minus days specified. EOLM-1

To include files that were active a day before the last day of the previous month.

BOTM (Beginning Of This Month) The first day of the current month. BOTM
BOTM+days The first day of the current month, plus days specified. BOTM+9

To include files that were active on the 10th day of the current month.

Specifies the beginning time in which the backup set to delete was created. This parameter is optional. You can use this parameter in conjunction with the BEGINDATE parameter to specify a range for the date and time. If you specify a begin time without a begin date, the date will be the current date at the time you specify.
You can specify the time by using one of the following values:
Value Description Example
HH:MM:SS A specific time 10:30:08
NOW The current time NOW
NOW+HH:MM or +HH:MM The current time plus hours and minutes specified NOW+02:00 or +02:00.
NOW-HH:MM or -HH:MM The current time minus hours and minutes specified NOW-02:00 or –02:00.
Specifies the ending date in which the backup set to delete was created. This parameter is optional. You can use this parameter in conjunction with the ENDTIME parameter to specify a range for the date and time. If you specify an end date without an end time, the time will be at 11:59:59 p.m. on the specified end date.
You can specify the date by using one of the following values:
Value Description Example
MM/DD/YYYY A specific date 09/15/1999
TODAY The current date TODAY
TODAY+days or +days The current date plus days specified. TODAY +3 or +3.
TODAY-days or -days The current date minus days specified. TODAY -3 or -3.
EOLM (End Of Last Month) The last day of the previous month. EOLM
EOLM-days The last day of the previous month minus days specified. EOLM-1

To include files that were active a day before the last day of the previous month.

BOTM (Beginning Of This Month) The first day of the current month. BOTM
BOTM+days The first day of the current month, plus days specified. BOTM+9

To include files that were active on the 10th day of the current month.

Specifies the ending time of the range in which the backup set to delete was created. This parameter is optional. You can use this parameter in conjunction with the ENDDATE parameter to specify a range for the date and time. If you specify an end time without an end date, the date will be the current date at the time you specify.
You can specify the time by using one of the following values:
Value Description Example
HH:MM:SS A specific time 10:30:08
NOW The current time NOW
NOW+HH:MM or +HH:MM The current time plus hours and minutes on the specified end date NOW+02:00 or +02:00.
NOW-HH:MM or -HH:MM The current time minus hours and minutes on the specified end date NOW-02:00 or -02:00.
Specifies the backup sets containing the specified types of data are to be deleted. This parameter is optional. The default is that backup sets for all types of data (file level, image, and application) are to be deleted. To specify multiple data types, separate the data types with commas and no intervening spaces. Possible values are:
Specifies that backup sets for all types of data (file level, image, and application) are to be deleted. This is the default.
Specifies that a file level backup set is to be deleted. File level backup sets contain files and directories backup up by the backup-archive client.
Specifies that an image backup set is to be deleted. Image backup sets contain images created by the backup-archive client BACKUP IMAGE command.
Specifies the retention value, specified in days, that is associated with the backup sets to delete. You can specify an integer from 0 to 30000. The values are:
Specifies that backup sets that are retained this number of days are deleted.
Specifies that the backup sets that are retained indefinitely are deleted.
Specifies the description that is associated with the backup set to delete. The description you specify can contain a wildcard character. This parameter is optional. Enclose the description in quotation marks if it contains any blank characters.
Specifies whether to preview the list of backup sets to delete, without actually deleting the backup sets. This parameter is optional. The default value is NO. The values are:
Specifies that the backup sets are deleted.
Specifies that the server displays the list of backup sets to delete, without actually deleting the backup sets.

Example: Delete a backup set

Delete backup set named PERS_DATA.3099 that belongs to client node JANE. The backup set was generated on 11/19/1998 at 10:30:05 and the description is "Documentation Shop".
delete backupset pers_data.3099
begindate=11/19/1998 begintime=10:30:05
wheredescription="documentation shop"

Related commands

Table 1. Commands related to DELETE BACKUPSET
Command Description
DEFINE BACKUPSET Defines a previously generated backup set to a server.
DEFINE NODEGROUP Defines a group of nodes.
DEFINE NODEGROUPMEMBER Adds a client node to a node group.
DELETE NODEGROUP Deletes a node group.
DELETE NODEGROUPMEMBER Deletes a client node from a node group.
GENERATE BACKUPSET Generates a backup set of a client's data.
GENERATE BACKUPSETTOC Generates a table of contents for a backup set.
QUERY BACKUPSET Displays backup sets.
QUERY NODEGROUP Displays information about node groups.
QUERY BACKUPSETCONTENTS Displays contents contained in backup sets.
UPDATE BACKUPSET Updates a retention value associated with a backup set.
UPDATE NODEGROUP Updates the description of a node group.