The sequence of calls is invalid.


Then API requires function calls to be made in a specific sequence. The function calls were not made in the expected sequence. The error can be triggered by the following issues:
  • An error in the network.
  • A bug in the TSM API.
  • A bug in the TSM server.
  • A bug in the application (IBM® or third party) that uses the TSM API.

System action

The system returns to the calling procedure.

User response

An end user can respond in the following ways:
  • Check the network for errors.
  • Look for clues in the TSM server activity log file, TSM client side dsierror.log log file, and log files that are specific to the problem application.
  • Search the IBM support pages for APARs that match the problem. The TSM Manager support site is at
  • If the API application is developed by a third party (not IBM), search that third party's support pages for known issues that match the problem.

If none of the above actions resolve the problem, report the problem to the vendor of the application that uses the TSM API.

A developer of an application that uses the TSM API must investigate the reason for the problem, including reviewing the TSM API state diagram. The TSM API state diagram is in the product documentation at