AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemsWindows operating systems

Log files overview

If you contact IBM® Software Support about a problem with the Operations Center, they might request that you send them log files.

List of log files
IBM Software Support might request that you send them the following log files:
  • Up to eight Operations Center log files:
    • tsm_opscntr.log
    • tsm_opscntr1.log
    • tsm_opscntr2.log
    • tsm_opscntr3.log
    • tsm_opscntr4.log
    • tsm_opscntr5.log
    • tsm_opscntr6.log
    • tsm_opscntr7.log

    More than one Operations Center log file can exist for the following reasons:

    • If the Operations Center log is up to 8 MB in size, the current version is tsm_opscntr.log, the previous version is tsm_opscntr1.log, the version before that is tsm_opscntr2.log, and so on.
    • If the Operations Center log is greater than 8 MB in size, the log is spread over multiple files, each with a maximum size of 8 MB. For example, if the log is 15 MB in size, it is spread over the files tsm_opscntr.log and tsm_opscntr1.log.
    Tip: If IBM Software Support requests that you perform an extended trace of the Operations Center, you can identify which of the Operations Center log files are created during the trace from the modification times of the files.
  • Web-server log files:
    • console.log
    • messages.log
  • First-failure-data-capture (FFDC) log files:
    • exception_summary_date_time.log
    • ffdc_date_time.log
Location of log files
  • The Operations Center and web-server log files are in the following directory:

    AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemsinstallation_dir/ui/Liberty/usr/servers/guiServer/logs

    Windows operating systemsinstallation_dir\ui\Liberty\usr\servers\guiServer\logs

    where installation_dir represents the directory in which Tivoli® Storage Manager is installed. For example:

    AIX operating systemsLinux operating systems/opt/tivoli/tsm

    Windows operating systemsc:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM

    Tip: You can also view the Operations Center log from within the Operations Center.
  • The FFDC log files are in the same location, but in the ffdc subdirectory.