Reorganizing database tables and indexes

Server performance can degrade when database tables and table indexes are not reorganized.

About this task

Over time, database information becomes fragmented, causing unexpected database growth and increased space requirements for the active and archive logs. When you reorganize tables and table indexes, it reduces fragmentation and reclaims space.

If you are not running data deduplication on the Tivoli® Storage Manager server, you might have to reorganize only the tables. However, you must monitor the database growth to avoid server degradation. If you are running data deduplication, reorganize both tables and indexes for best results.

You can reorganize tables and indexes online when the Tivoli Storage Manager server is running, or offline when the server is halted. Depending on your server workloads, you might have to disable both table and index reorganization to maintain server stability, and to complete daily server activities. If you experience unacceptable database growth or server performance degradation when reorganization is disabled, reorganize the tables offline.

Tivoli Storage Manager reorganizes tables and indexes by default. Allow server-initiated reorganization of both tables and indexes to run. If automatic reorganization is affecting server performance, you can manually schedule reorganization.

For more information about scheduling table and index reorganization, see Scheduling table or index reorganization.