CICS warm restart

If you specify START=AUTO, which is the recommended method, CICS® determines which type of start to perform using information retrieved from the recovery manager's control record in the global catalog. If the type-of-restart indicator in the control record indicates warm start possible, CICS performs a warm restart. This section describes the CICS startup processing specific to a warm restart.

Note: If the type-of-restart indicator indicates emergency restart needed, CICS performs an emergency restart. See CICS emergency restart for the restart processing performed.

A warm start restores certain elements of the CICS components to the status that was recorded in the previous warm keypoint. The recorded status is determined from their definitions or commands rather than their actual status at shutdown. For an overview of CICS actions in a warm start, see CICS actions on a warm start.

Attention: You should not attempt to compress a library after a warm start, without subsequently performing a CEMT SET PROGRAM(PRGMID) NEWCOPY for each program in the library. This is because on a warm start, CICS obtains the directory information for all programs which were installed on the previous execution. Compressing a library could alter its contents and subsequently invalidate the directory information known to CICS.