Atom Publishing Protocol and Atom Syndication Format

The Atom Publishing Protocol is the protocol for publishing and editing resources in the Atom document format over HTTP. The Atom Syndication Format is the specification for the structure of Atom feed and entry documents.

Atom Publishing Protocol

The specification describes how a collection works and how clients use HTTP GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE requests to edit the Atom entries in a collection. The specification also describes the XML elements used in an Atom service document and an Atom category document, and the roles of those documents.

The specification for the Atom Publishing Protocol is published by The Internet Society and is available as RFC 5023 at

Atom Syndication Format

The specification describes the XML elements used in an Atom feed document and an Atom entry document, and the correct handling and display of the content of the elements.

The specification for the Atom Syndication Format is published by The Internet Society and is available as RFC 4287 at