Running the TDQ example

You can run the transient data queue example to understand how Java™ programs can interact with transient data. Programs can read and write transient data that is stored in sequential queues.

About this task

This example demonstrates how to use the JCICS TDQ class. The example uses the following Java class and program:

Transaction Program Java class


Enter the JTD1 transaction in a terminal to run the example.
You receive the following messages on Task.out:
    Entering examples.TDQ.ClassOne.main()
    Entering writeFixedData()
    Leaving writeFixedData()
    Entering writeFixedData()
    Leaving writeFixedData()
    Entering readFixedData()
    Leaving readFixedData()
    Entering readFixedDataConditional()
    Leaving readFixedDataConditional()
    Leaving examples.TDQ.ClassOne.main()


CICS® performs the following processing:

  1. The transaction runs the main Java class that is defined in the PROGRAM resource DFJ$JTD1.
  2. The Java program writes some data to a transient data queue, reads it, and then deletes the queue.