Non-threadsafe commands in a threadsafe program

By defining a program to CICS® as threadsafe, you are specifying only that the application logic is threadsafe, not that all the EXEC CICS commands included in the program are threadsafe. CICS can ensure that EXEC CICS commands are processed safely by switching to the QR TCB for those commands not yet converted that still rely on quasi-reentrancy. In order for your program to run on an open TCB, CICS needs you to guarantee that your application logic is threadsafe.

The EXEC CICS commands that are threadsafe, and so do not involve TCB switching, are indicated in the command descriptions of the CICS API and SPI command topics. The commands are also listed in Threadsafe commands and Threadsafe SPI commands.

TCB switching

Threadsafe programs achieve performance benefits by remaining on an open TCB, rather than switching between the open TCB and the QR TCB. When a program is defined as threadsafe and is running on an open TCB, TCB switching from the open TCB to the QR TCB occurs in the following circumstances:
  • From the point a task is attached to the point CICS determines that an open TCB is required, for non-Liberty transactions, all processing takes place on the QR TCB; for Liberty transactions, a T8 TCB is used.
  • If the program issues any EXEC CICS commands that are not threadsafe, CICS switches back from the open TCB to the QR TCB to run the nonthreadsafe code. If the program is defined as OPENAPI or CONCURRENCY(REQUIRED), CICS then switches back to the open TCB to continue running the application logic. If the program is not defined as OPENAPI or CONCURRENCY(REQUIRED), it continues to run on the QR TCB. For a CICS Db2® application, if the program is not defined as OPENAPI or CONCURRENCY(REQUIRED) and does not make any further Db2 requests, the switch back to the QR TCB is a disadvantage because it increases the usage of your QR TCB for the time taken to run any remaining application code. However, if the program makes any further Db2 requests, CICS must switch back again to the open TCB.
  • If the program calls a task-related user exit program that is not defined as threadsafe, CICS switches back to the QR TCB and gives control to the task-related user exit program. When the task-related user exit program completes processing, the situation is the same as after a nonthreadsafe EXEC CICS command: an OPENAPI or CONCURRENCY(REQUIRED) program switches back to the open TCB, and a program not defined as OPENAPI or CONCURRENCY(REQUIRED) continues to run on the QR TCB.
  • When the program issues a threadsafe CICS command or makes a Db2 request, a global user exit might be invoked as part of the processing for the command or request. If a global user exit program is used that is not defined as threadsafe, CICS switches back to the QR TCB and gives control to the global user exit program. When the user exit program completes processing, CICS switches back to the open TCB to continue processing the threadsafe CICS command or to complete the Db2 request.
  • When the program completes, CICS switches back to the QR TCB for task termination. This switch is always necessary.