DFH$MOLS, the CICS-supplied sample monitoring data print program

DFH$MOLS is a sample program supplied with CICS®, which can process and print the SMF records produced by the CICS monitoring facility. It can also produce output data sets from compressed monitoring records, for use by other analysis products.

As supplied, DFH$MOLS sorts and prints the monitoring data according to the parameters which you specify. You can modify and extend DFH$MOLS to adapt it for your own purposes. For example, you can link to an analysis program that you have written yourself to produce more complex reports using the monitoring data.

DFH$MOLS can select or exclude monitoring data for printing based on the CICS region applid, user ID, transaction, terminal, task number, or BTS process type. You can set time and date boundaries for the data, and choose to print only certain types of monitoring data. You can also produce an output data set in a fixed length record format, or an output data set containing expanded versions of compressed monitoring records.

You need to unload the SMF data set containing the monitoring records before using it with DFH$MOLS. You can then run DFH$MOLS as a batch program, specifying control statements in the job stream.

Sample monitoring data print program (DFH$MOLS) has more information about DFH$MOLS.