Why do I need CICS business transaction services?

In a complex environment, CICS® business transaction services (BTS) bring sophistication to the CICS application programming interface (API), making it better able to model complex business transactions.

CICS provides a robust transaction processing environment. For example, you can create transactions with the ACID properties of atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability. CICS provides the environment for transactions to continue to run under various conditions.

Much emphasis is placed on the continuous operation and high availability of CICS. Use of sophisticated technologies, such as the Parallel Sysplex®, with resource managers sharing data across the sysplex, has led to improved system availability through the elimination of single points-of-failure. CICS business transaction services complement these technologies.

Business transactions were typically modeled by CICS transactions in ways that now have some shortcomings. CICS business transaction services can overcome these shortcomings.