Manually configuring a Db2 type 2 connection with the Liberty JDBC features

A CICS® Liberty JVM server can be configured to use a JDBC DataSource with type 2 connectivity through CICS to access Db2® databases from Java™ applications.

Before you begin

You should configure your CICS region to connect to Db2. For more information, see Defining the CICS Db2 connection.

About this task

This task explains how to define the elements that are required in server.xml to enable JDBC type 2 driver connectivity to a local Db2 database.

Java 17 To enable Db2 type 2 connectivity when you are running Java 17, add LIBPATH_SUFFIX=/usr/lpp/db2v12/jdbc/lib to the JVM profile.


  1. Add the jdbc-4.0, jdbc-4.1, jdbc-4.2, or jdbc-4.3 feature to the server.xml file.
  2. Add a library element to the server.xml file to specify the location on zFS of the JDBC driver.
    <library id="defaultCICSDb2Library">
        <fileset dir="/usr/lpp/db2v11/jdbc/classes" includes="db2jcc4.jar db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar"/>
        <fileset dir="/usr/lpp/db2v11/jdbc/lib" includes=""/>
  3. To access Db2 through a DataSource definition, a dataSource element is required. The jndiName attribute is required to define the JNDI name that is referenced by your application.
    Note: As of JDBC 4.3, the default dataSource type is javax.sql.XADataSource, which is not supported by the Db2 type 2 JDBC driver. The type must be set to javax.sql.ConnectionPooledDataSource or javax.sql.DataSource for Db2 type 2 data sources.
    You can set attributes for the dataSource by using a properties.db2.jcc element. The following example shows how to do this:
    <dataSource id="defaultCICSDataSource" jndiName="jdbc/defaultCICSDataSource" transactional="false">
        <jdbcDriver libraryRef="defaultCICSDb2Library"/>    
        <properties.db2.jcc driverType="2"/>    
        <connectionManager agedTimeout="0"/>

    transactional="false" is required to allow CICS to manage the transactions.

    driverType="2" is required to use the type 2 connectivity to Db2.

    agedTimeout="0" is required to disable Liberty connection pooling. Liberty connection pooling is not required as the DB2CONN resource provides Db2 connection pooling.


The Liberty server is configured to allow access to Db2 databases by using JDBC type 2 connectivity through a CICS DB2CONN resource.