Defining the WS-AT data set

The data set you require to enable CICS® Web Services Atomic Transaction (WS-AT) support is the WS-AT directory data set, DFHPIDIR. The WS-AT directory data set, DFHPIDIR, is a file containing a mapping between contexts and tasks.

The WS-AT directory and object store data set, DFHPIDIR, is a CICS file-control-managed data set that requires a resource definition in the CICS system definition file (CSD). Because the data set is shared across CICS regions that together provide a WS-AT capable web service provider, you can define it to CICS file control as one of the following formats:
  • An ordinary VSAM data set, to be opened in either LSR or NSR mode; that is, with the LSRPOOLNUM attribute specified with a pool number, or as NONE. In this case, the data set has to be owned by one CICS region (a file-owning region) to which the other regions can function ship file requests.

    A definition for the data set is supplied in the CICS CSD group DFHPIVS, with the LSRPOOLNUM default value of 1. Make a copy of this CSD group, rename it, and edit the file definitions to add details such as the data set name for dynamic allocation, a specific LSRPOOLNUM to match an explicit LSRPOOL resource definition, or the remote system attributes.

  • A VSAM data set to be opened in RLS mode. A definition for the data set is supplied in the CICS CSD group DFHPIVR with RLSACCESS(YES) specified. Make a copy of this CSD group, rename it, and edit the file definitions to add attributes such as the data set name for dynamic allocation.
  • A coupling facility data table. A definition for the data set is supplied in the CICS CSD group DFHPICF. Make a copy of this CSD group, rename it, and edit the file definitions to modify the CFDT details, such as the pool name and the table name.

Figure 1 shows the statements used to define DFHPIDIR.

Figure 1. Example JCL to define the WS-AT directory data set
        DEFINE CLUSTER(NAME(@dsindex@.CICS@regname@.DFHPIDIR)- 
         LOG(UNDO)-                                 1             
         CYL(2 1)-                                             
         VOLUME(@dsvol@)-                           2        
         RECORDSIZE( 1017 1017 )-                   3           
         KEYS( 16 0 )-                                         
         FREESPACE ( 10 10 )-                                  
         SHAREOPTIONS( 2 3 ))-                                 
       DATA  (NAME(@dsindex@.CICS@regname@.DFHPIDIR.DATA) -    
         CONTROLINTERVALSIZE(1024)) -                          
       INDEX (NAME(@dsindex@.CICS@regname@.DFHPIDIR.INDEX))                      

1. Define the backout recovery attribute in the ICF catalog, so that the data set defined by this job can be used in either RLS or non-RLS mode. For data sets used in RLS mode, you define the recovery attributes in the ICF catalog, and those attributes override any that are specified in the CICS file resource definition. You must define the PI directory data set as recoverable.

2. Specify your own value for the VOLUME parameter, or remove it completely if you are using SMS-managed storage.

3. The default record size is 1 KB, which can be changed.

Note: You do not change any of the definition values shown in Figure 1. DFHPIDIR contains only one record, its control record. However, ensure that you specify runtime settings (such as BUFND, BUFNI, and STRNO subparameters on the AMP parameter on the DD statement, or the equivalent in the CICS file resource definition) to support the maximum number of requests that might be active at any one time.