Liberty web server plug-in

The web server plug-in allows the forwarding of HTTP requests from a supported web server, on to one or more Liberty application servers.

There are three main reasons why you would want to use the web server plug-in.
  • It provides integration with a web server for the serving of static content.
  • It allows termination of the SSL endpoint in the web server when using HTTPS.
  • It enables load balancing and failover of HTTP requests across a group of Liberty servers.

The web server plug-in is configured by generating a plugin-cfg.xml file on the Liberty server that is copied to the machine hosting the web server. The plug-in takes inbound requests and checks them against the configuration data contained within this file and forwards incoming HTTP requests to the URI and host of the configured Liberty servers.

The procedure for generating plugin-cfg.xml with a Liberty profile server uses the generatePluginConfig operation, that is exposed by the MBean provided by Liberty. This JMX MBean can either be invoked remotely using the JConsole utility supplied with the IBM® Java™ SDK in combination with the Liberty server restConnector-1.0 feature or by developing a custom JMX application to invoke the required operation on the MBean. For further details on using JMX in a CICS® Liberty server see Java Management Extensions API (JMX).

Further detailed information on setting up a web server plug-in can be found in the WAS Knowledge Center, see Adding a plug-in configuration to a web server.