Parameters for the business logic interface, DFHWBBLI

Attention: This topic contains Product-sensitive Programming Interface and Associated Guidance Information.

Names and descriptions of the input and output parameters for the business logic interface are listed, prefixed with wbbl_.

Before inserting the inputs into the COMMAREA, you must clear it to binary zeros.
(Input only)

A 14-character field that must be set to the string >DFHWBBLIPARMS.

(Input only)

A fullword 32-bit field that must be set to the binary IPv4 address of the client, if wbbl_client_ipv6_address is not specified. wbbl_client_address does not support IPv6 addresses.

If there is a non-zero value in wbbl_client_address, this value is used, and any value in wbbl_client_ipv6_address is ignored. Therefore, if you are using IPv6 addressing you must clear the contents of wbbl_client_address to allow the value in wbbl_client_ipv6_address to be used.

(Input only)

A 16-byte field that must be set if you are using IPv6 addressing, or if you are using IPv4 addressing and wbbl_client_address is not specified. This field supports both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and is set to the binary IPv6 address of the client, or the IPv4 address of the client in IPv6 format. For more information on IP address format, see IP addresses.

(Input only)

A 1-byte binary field that must be set to the length of wbbl_client_address_string.

(Input only)

A 1-byte binary field that must be set to the length of wbbl_client_ipv6_address_string.

(Input only)

A string of up to 15 characters that are the dotted decimal representation of wbbl_client_address, padded on the right with binary zeros. Use wbbl_client_ipv6_address_string instead of wbbl_client_address_string for all new programs.

(Input only)

A string of up to 39 characters that are the colon hexadecimal or dotted decimal representation of wbbl_client_ipv6_address, padded on the right with binary zeros.

(Input only)

The 8-character name of the program to be used for converter DECODE and ENCODE functions.

(Input only)

A fullword binary number that must contain the length of the HTTP headers associated with this request.

(Input only)

A fullword binary number that must contain the offset, from the start of the request data, of the HTTP headers associated with this request.

(Input only)

A fullword binary number that must contain the length of the version of the HTTP protocol to be used to process the request.

(Input only)

A fullword binary number that must contain the offset of the version of the HTTP protocol to be used to process the request.

(Input only)

A fullword binary number that must be set to the length of the data located by wbbl_indata_ptr or wbbl_indata_offset. If the analyzer modified the data length value, it is visible here. If the request is not an HTTP request, do not set this field.

(Input only)

If wbbl_mode is "O" or "D", this is the offset, from the start of the parameter list, of the HTTP request data to be passed to the application.

(Input only)

If wbbl_mode is "P", this field is the address of the HTTP request data to be passed to the application.

(Input only)

A halfword binary number that must be set to the total length of the BLI parameter list.

(Input only)

A fullword binary number that must contain the length of the HTTP method to be used to process the request. The method is one of: GET, PATCH, POST, HEAD, PUT, DELETE, LINK, UNLINK, or REQUEUE.

(Input only)

A fullword binary number that must contain the offset, from the start of the request data, of the HTTP method to be used to process the request. The method is one of: GET, PATCH, POST, HEAD, PUT, DELETE, LINK, UNLINK, or REQUEUE.

(Input only)

A single character that indicates the addressing mode for wbbl_indata and wbbl_outdata. It must be set to "P" to indicate that these values are pointers or to "O" to indicate that these values are offsets from the start of the parameter list.

(Input only)

The fullword binary field in which DFHWBBLI returns the length of the response data located by wbbl_outdata_ptr or wbbl_outdata_offset.

(Input only)

If wbbl_mode is "O" or "D", this is the fullword in which DFHWBBLI returns the offset, from the start of the parameter list, of the response data from the application. This address in not necessarily the same as wbbl_indata_offset.

(Input only)

If wbbl_mode is "P", this field is the fullword address in which DFHWBBLI returns the address of the response data from the application. This address in not necessarily the same as wbbl_indata_ptr.

(Input only)

A halfword binary number that must be set to 56; that is, the length of the wbbl_prolog substructure.

(Input only)

A fullword binary number that must contain the length of the URI resource that is being requested; that is, the non-network part of the URL, starting at the first / character in the URL.

(Input only)

A fullword binary number that must contain the offset, from the start of the request data, of the URI resource that is being requested; that is, the non-network part of the URL, starting at the first / character in the URL.

(Input only)

A fullword binary field in which DFHWBBLI returns its response code.

(Input only)

A fullword 32-bit field that must be set to the binary IPv4 address of the server, if wbbl_server_ipv6_address is not specified. wbbl_server_address does not support IPv6 addresses.

If there is a non-zero value in wbbl_server_address, this value is used, and any value in wbbl_server_ipv6_address is ignored. Therefore, if you are using IPv6 addressing you must clear the contents of wbbl_server_address to allow the value in wbbl_server_ipv6_address to be used.

(Input only)

A 16-byte field that must be set if you are using IPv6 addressing, or if you are using IPv4 addressing and wbbl_server_address is not specified. This field supports both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and is set to the binary IPv6 address of the server, or the IPv4 address of the server in IPv6 format. For more information on IP address format, see IP addresses.

(Input only)

The 8-character name of the CICS® application program that is to be used to process the request and produce the response.

(Input only)

The size of the encryption key negotiated during the SSL handshake, if secure sockets layer is being used. It contains zero if SSL is not being used.

(Input only)

A 1-byte binary field that must be set to the length of the wbbl_status substructure.

(Input only)

A fullword binary number that must be set to the length of the entity body. If the analyzer modified the length value, it is visible here. If the request is not an HTTP request, do not set this field.

(Input only)

An 8-character field in which the caller of DFHWBBLI can pass data which identifies the current conversational state with the client. It is usually set to the first eight characters of the query-string portion of the URL; that is, any data following a question mark (?).

(Input only)

A halfword binary number that must be set to 64 (that is, the length of the wbbl_vector substructure.

(Input only)

A halfword binary number that indicates which version of the BLI parameter list is currently being used. It is set using the constant value wbbl_current_version.