ISC mode entry: Summary resource statistics

ISC mode entry summary resource statistics are not available online.

These statistics are collected only if you have an APPC connection defined in your CICS® region, and they are then produced for each mode group defined in that connection.

Table 1. ISC mode entry: Summary resource statistics
DFHSTUP name Description
Connection name is the name of the APPC connection/system that owns this mode entry.


Mode name is the mode group name related to the intersystem connection name in the previous row. It corresponds to the modename in the sessions definition.


ATIs satisfied by contention losers is the total number of ATI requests (queued allocates) that have been satisfied by “contention loser” sessions belonging to this mode group.


ATIs satisfied by contention winners is the total number of ATI requests (queued allocates) that have been satisfied by “contention winner” sessions belonging to this mode group.


Peak contention losers is the peak number of “contention loser” sessions belonging to this mode group that were in use at any one time. There can be sessions not defined as “contention winners” or “contention losers”, and their states are dynamically decided at bind time.


Peak contention winners is the peak number of “contention winner” sessions belonging to this mode group that were in use at any one time. There can be sessions not defined as “contention winners” or “contention losers”, and their states are dynamically decided at bind time.


Total bids sent is the total number of bids that were sent on the sessions defined to this mode group. A bid is sent on an APPC “contention loser” session when there are no “contention winner” sessions available to allocate.


Average bids in progress is the average number of bids in progress.


Peak bids in progress is the peak number of bids that were in progress at any one time, on the sessions defined to this mode group. A bid is sent on an APPC “contention loser” session when there are no “contention winner” sessions available to allocate.


Peak outstanding allocates

For more information see 1

is the peak number of allocation requests that were queued for this mode group.


Total specific allocate requests

For more information see 1

is the total number of specific allocate requests against this mode group.


Total specific allocates satisfied

For more information see 1

is the total number of specific allocates satisfied by this mode group.


Total generic allocates satisfied is the total number of generic allocates satisfied from this mode group. The allocates are made for APPC without the mode group being specified.


Average number of queued allocates

For more information see 1

is the average number of queued specific allocate requests against this mode group. An allocate is queued due to a session in this mode group not being available at this moment. This includes waiting for a bind, a bid, or all sessions are currently in use.


Failed link allocates

For more information see 1

is the total number of specific allocate requests that failed due to the connection being released, out of service, or with a closed mode group.


Failed allocates due to sessions in use

For more information see 1

is the total number of specific allocate requests that failed due to a session not being currently available for use in this mode group. These requests get SYSBUSY responses to the allocate. This field is incremented for allocates failing with an AAL1 abend code.


Number of XZIQUE allocate queue purges is the total number of allocate queue purges that have occurred at XZIQUE request for this mode entry.


Number of XZIQUE allocates purged is the total number of allocates purged due to XZIQUE requesting that queues should be purged (Number of XZIQUE allocate queue purges) for this mode entry.

If XZIQUE has not overridden this mechanism (by response) then any subsequent allocate requests are purged and included in this statistic as the XZIQUE purging mechanism is still in operation.


  1. The next three fields only contain allocates against specific mode groups. Generic allocate requests are contained in the equivalent system entry statistics.