The SDSASZE system initialization parameter specifies the size of the SDSA.

The default size is 0, indicating that the DSA size can change dynamically. A non-zero value indicates that the DSA size is fixed.
specify number as an amount of storage in the range 0 to 16777215 bytes in multiples of 262144 bytes (256 KB). If the size specified is not a multiple of 256 KB, CICS® rounds the value up to the next multiple.

You can specify number in bytes (for example, 4194304), or as a whole number of kilobytes (for example, 4096 KB), or a whole number of megabytes (for example, 4 MB).

Restrictions You can specify the SDSAZSE parameter in PARM, SYSIN, or CONSOLE only.

Setting the size of individual dynamic storage areas (DSAs) is not usually necessary and is not recommended. If you specify DSA size values that in combination do not allow sufficient space for the remaining DSAs, CICS fails to initialize. The limit on the storage available for the DSAs in 24-bit storage (below the line) is specified by the DSALIM system initialization parameter. You must allow at least 256K for each DSA in 24-bit storage for which you have not set a size.