Task association information - TASKASSC

The Task association information (TASKASSC) views show information associated to active tasks.

Supplied views

To access from the main menu, click:

CICS operations views > Task operations views > Task association information

Table 1. Views in the supplied Task association information (TASKASSC) view set
View Notes
Task association information


Detail view displaying data for task correlation purposes relating to distributed identities
Task association information


Detail view displaying data for task correlation purposes
Task association information


Tabular view displaying data for task correlation purposes




Table 2. Fields in TASKASSC views
Field Attribute name Description
Current Application Name ACAPPLNAME The name of the current application associated with this task.
Current Application Major Version ACMAJORVER The major version of the current application associated with this task.
Current Application Micro Version ACMICROVER The micro version of the current application associated with this task.
Current Application Minor Version ACMINORVER The minor version of the current application associated with this task.
Current Application Operation ACOPERNAME The operation being performed by the current application associated with this task.
Current Platform ACPLATNAME The name of the current platform associated with this task.
Socket application data APPLDATA The application data associated by CICS with the socket that received the request that started this task. If the task was not started through a socket then APPLDATA is blank.
Application ID APPLID The CICS region this task is running in.
Client IP address CLIENTIPADDR The IPv4 or IPv6 address of the TCP/IP client that requested this task to start. The format of this IP address is given in the IPFAMILY field. If this task was not started from a TCP/IP client or the source of this task has not yet been determined, this field will contain
Cluster connection type CLIENTLOC The SO_CLUSTERCONNTYPE options returned by z/OS Communications Server for the facility in FACILNAME, unless the value in FACILTYPE is IPIC in which case the CLIENTLOC value for the IPCONN is returned here.

The binary format of SO_CLUSTERCONNTYPE is converted to characters and displayed here as either zeros or ones. See the z/OS 1.9 Communications Server IP Sockets Application Programming Interface Guide in the z/OS 1.9 information center for a description of SO_CLUSTERCONNTYPE and an explanation of the bit settings.

TCP/IP stack port number CLIENTPORT The number of the port that the TCP/IP stack used to send the request that resulted in this task being attached. If the task was not started in this way, CLIENTPORT contains zero.
Client IP address format CLNTIPFAMILY A value indicating the format of the IP address in the CLIENTIPADDR field. These are the possible values:
  • IPV4 - The address is specified in IPv4 dotted decimal address format.
  • IPV6 - The address is specified in IPv6 colon hexadecimal address format.
  • NOTAPPLIC - is specified for the address.
Distinguished name DNAME This is the distinguished name for the specified realm. The name can be up to 246 UTF-8 characters long, which are displayed in hexadecimal format.
Facility name FACILNAME The facility associated with the initiation of this task. If the task was started by an unnamed facility, this attribute contains blanks.
Facility type FACILTYPE The type of facility that initiated this task.
User ID of initiating task INITUSERID The user ID of the initiating task (the task that caused this one to be attached).
IPCONN resource IPCONN The name of any IP connection (IPCONN) that was used to receive a request that resulted in this task starting. If the task was not started in this way, IPCONN contains blanks. This field contains a non-blank value only when the FACILTYPE is IPCONN.
Server IP address format IPFAMILY A value indicating the format of the IP address in the SERVERIPADDR field. These are the possible values:
  • IPV4 - The address is specified in IPv4 dotted decimal address format.
  • IPV6 - The address is specified in IPv6 colon hexadecimal address format.
  • NOTAPPLIC - is specified for the address.
VTAM LU name LUNAME The fully-qualified network name of the terminal from which this task was started. If the task was started from an IP interconnectivity (IPCONN), ISC over SNA (APPC), or MRO session, LUNAME contains the network name of the remote region. If the task was not started from a terminal, nor from an IPCONN, APPC, or MRO session, LUNAME contains blanks. For OTS transactions, LUNAME contains blanks.
MVS image MVSIMAGE The name of the MVS image associated with the TCPIPSERVICE used to receive a request that resulted in this task starting. If the task was not started in this way, MVSIMAGE contains blanks. Note: This function is dependent on Communication Server TCP/IP Network Access Control support being activated and the CLIENTIPADDRESS being configured into a network security zone.
Network ID NETID The network ID of the terminal from which this task was started.
Originating Application ID ODAPPLID The application ID taken from the Origin Descriptor associated with this task.
Originating adapter data 1 ODAPTRDATA1 The first section of the data that was added to the origin data by the adapter.
Originating adapter data 2 ODAPTRDATA2 The second section of the data that was added to the origin data by the adapter.
Originating adapter data 3 ODAPTRDATA3 The third section of the data that was added to the origin data by the adapter.
Originating adapter ID ODAPTRID The adapter identifier added to the origin data by the adapter. This field is blank if the task was not started via an adapter, or if it was and the adapter did not set this value.
Originating client IP address ODCLNTIPADDR The IPv4 or IPv6 address of the TCP/IP client that requested the originating task to start. The format of this IP address is given in the ODIPFAMILY field. If the originating task was not started from a TCP/IP client or the source of the originating task has not yet been determined, this field will contain
Originating portnumber ODCLNTPORT The number of the port used by the TCP/IP client that requested the originating task to start. If the originating task was not started in this way ODCLNTPORT returns zero.
Originating facility name ODFACILNAME If the facility associated with the initiation of the originating task is a transient data queue, a terminal, or a system, this attribute contains the name of the facility. If the originating task was not started in any of these ways, this attribute contains blanks.
Originating facility type ODFACILTYPE The type of facility that initiated the originating task that is associated with this task.
Originating client IP address format ODIPFAMILY A value indicating the format of the IP address in the ODCLNTIPADDR field. These are the possible values:
  • IPV4 - The address is specified in IPv4 dotted decimal address format.
  • IPV6 - The address is specified in IPv6 colon hexadecimal address format.
  • NOTAPPLIC - is specified for the address.
Originating VTAM LU name ODLUNAME The fully-qualified network name of the terminal from which the originating task was started. If the originating task was started from an IP interconnectivity (IPCONN), ISC over SNA (APPC), or MRO session, this attribute contains the network name of the remote region. If the originating task was not started from a terminal, nor from an IPCONN, APPC, or MRO session, this attribute contains blanks. For OTS transactions, this attribute contains blanks.
Originating network ID ODNETID The network qualifier for the LUNAME that caused the task to run.
Originating network ID ODNETWORKID The network qualifier for the origin region APPLID that the task ran on.
Originating server port ODSERVERPORT The listening IP port number that was used when the originating task received the request. If the originating task was not started in this way, this attribute is zero.
Originating task start time ODSTARTTIME The time when the originating task was started. The time is expressed in GMT.
Originating task start time ODSTARTTM A 21-character representation of the time when the originating task was started. The time is in the form yyyymmddhhmmss.ssssss.
Originating task ID ODTASKID The task ID of the originating task.
Originating TCP/IP service name ODTCPIPS The name of the TCPIPSERVICE or Liberty JVM server IP listener associated with the request that resulted in the originating task starting. If the originating task was not started in this way, this attribute contains blanks.
Originating transaction ID ODTRANSID The name of the transaction under which the originating task ran.
Originating user ID ODUSERID The user ID under which the originating task ran.
Previous hop applid PHAPPLID The VTAM application ID of the CICS system of a previous task in another CICS system with which this task is associated, or blanks if the CICS system on which this command is executed is a point of origin.
Previous hop count PHCOUNT The number of times there has been a request from one CICS system to another to initiate a task with which this task is associated, or zero if the CICS system on which this command is executed is a point of origin.
Previous hop network qualifier PHNETWORKID The network qualifier for the CICS system VTAM application ID of an immediately previous task with which this task is associated, or blanks if the CICS system on which this command is executed is a point of origin.
Previous hop task start time PHSTARTTIME The start time of an immediately previous task in another CICS region with which this task is associated. The time is in the form yyyymmddhhmmss.ssssss. This option is set as blanks if the CICS system on which this command is executed is a point of origin.
Previous hop task start time PHSTARTTM This is the time the task on the previous hop started.
Previous hop task ID PHTASKID The task ID of an immediately previous task in another CICS region with which this task is associated, or blanks if the CICS system on which this command is executed is a point of origin.
Previous hop transaction ID PHTRANSID The transaction ID of an immediately previous task in another CICS region with which this task is associated, or blanks if the CICS system on which this command is executed is a point of origin.
First program PROGRAM The name of the first program invoked by a task executing this transaction.
Previous transaction count PTCOUNT The number of times there has been a request from a task in the local CICS region to initiate a task in the same CICS region by either a RUN TRANSID or START command without the TERMID option with which this task is associated, or zero if there have been no such requests.
Previous transaction task start time PTSTARTTIME The start time of an immediately previous, or parent, task in the same CICS region with which this task is associated. The time is in the form yyyymmddhhmmss.ssssss. This option is set as blanks if the task has no immediate parent task or is the point of origin for this request.
Previous transaction task start time PTSTARTTM The start time of an immediately previous, or parent, task in the same CICS region with which this task is associated. The time is in the form yyyymmddhhmmss.ssssss. This option is set as blanks if the task has no immediate parent task or is the point of origin for this request.
Previous transaction task ID PTTASKID The task ID of an immediately previous, or parent, task in the same CICS region with which this task is associated, or zero if the task has no immediate parent task or is the point of origin for this request.
Previous transaction transaction ID PTTRANSID The transaction ID of an immediately previous, or parent, task in the same CICS region with which this task is associated, or blanks if the task has no immediate parent task or is the point of origin for this request.
Basic authentication realm name REALM This is the realm name. The realm can be up to 255 UTF-8 characters long, which are displayed in hexadecimal format.
Scheduling IP server SERVERIPADDR The IPv4 or IPv6 address of the IP service that scheduled this task. The format of this IP address is given in the IPFAMILY field. If this task was not started from a IP service or the source of this task has not yet been determined, this field will contain
Server listening port SERVERPORT The number of the port on which the IP service that received the request that resulted in this task being attached, is listening. The service can be a TCPIPSERVICE resource or a Liberty JVM server. If the task was not started in this way, SERVERPORT contains zero.
Task start time STARTTIME The time when this task was started. The time is expressed in GMT.
Task start time STARTTM A 21-character representation of the time when this task was started. The time is in the form yyyymmddhhmmss.ssssss.
Task ID TASKID The Task association information (TASKASSC) views show information associated to active tasks.
TCP/IP job TCPIPJOB The name of the TCP/IP job associated with the IP connection (IPCONN) that received the request that resulted in this task starting. If the task was not started in this way, TCPIPJOB contains blanks. Note: This function is dependent on Communication Server TCP/IP Network Access Control support being activated and the CLIENTIPADDRESS being configured into a network security zone
TCP/IP service name TCPIPSERVICE The name of the TCPIPSERVICE associated with the IP connection (IPCONN) that received the request that resulted in this task starting. If the task was not started in this way, this attribute contains blanks.
TCP/IP network security zone TCPIPZONE The name of the TCP/IP network security zone, if any, associated with the IPCONN that received the request that resulted in this task starting. If there is no TCP/IP network security zone, or the task was not started in this way, this attribute contains blanks. Note: This function is dependent on Communication Server TCP/IP Network Access Control support being activated and the CLIENTIPADDRESS being configured into a network security zone.
Transaction ID TRANSACTION The name of the transaction that this task is executing.
Transaction group ID TRNGRPID The transaction group ID of the origin transaction.
User correlation data USERCORRDATA The user correlator data that was added to the associated data origin descriptor by means of an XAPADMGR global user exit program. This field is created when the originating task is started. If the global user exit program is not driven at that point, this attribute contains blanks.
User ID USERID The user ID associated with this task.