Specifying attributes specific to CICSPlex SM

Use these DFHISTAR attributes to customize the postinstallation JCL for CICSPlex® SM.

This JCL is used in the installation verification procedure for CICSPlex SM.

All attributes specific to CICSPlex SM have defaults. If you do not want to use CICSPlex SM, you can run DFHISTAR without providing overrides for any of the following CICSPlex SM specific parameters:

Specifies the 1- to 8-character name to be allocated to a CMAS. The name can contain alphabetic, national, and numeric characters. However, the first character must be alphabetic or national. The default is CMAS01.

The name of a CMAS must be unique in the CICSPlex SM environment. It must not be the same as the name of another CMAS, a CICSplex, a CICS system, or a CICS system group.

Specifies the numeric identifier allocated to the TCP/IP port number for the CICS management client interface (CMCI) on the WUI server. The identifier can contain numeric characters only, in the range 1 to 65535. The default is 12346. The port number must be unique and used by only one WUI Server. The CICSPlex SM WUI Server does not support port sharing.
Specifies the 4-character system identifier of the CMAS. This identifier can contain alphabetic, national, and numeric characters. It must match the SYSIDNT system initialization parameter for the CMAS. The default is CM01.
Specifies the 1- to 4-character name allocated to a WUI system identifier. The name can contain alphabetic, national, and numeric characters. However, the first character must be alphabetic or national. The default value is WU01.
Specifies the 1- to 4-character system identifier for the managed CICS system. This identifier can contain alphabetic, national, and numeric characters. The default is CS01.
Specifies the 1- to 8-character name to be allocated to a CICSplex of managed systems. This identifier can contain alphabetic, national, and numeric characters. The default is CSYPLX01.

The name of a CICSplex must be unique in the CICSPlex SM environment. It must not be the same as the name of another CICSplex, a CICS system, or a CICS system group.

Specifies the TCP/IP host name for the WUI server. The default is XXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXX.
Specifies the numeric identifier allocated to the TCP/IP port number for the WUI server. The identifier can contain numeric characters only, in the range 1 to 65535. The default is 12345. The port number must be unique and used by only one WUI Server. The CICSPlex SM WUI Server does not support port sharing.
Specifies the time zone assigned to the data repository. This code must be a single alphabetic character in the range B through Z. The default is B.
WUI value
Specifies whether to create a WUI CICSplex. This parameter is ignored if the OLDDREP parameter is specified. The default is YES if OLDDREP is not specified.
Create a WUI CICSplex.
Do not create a WUI CICSplex.
Specifies the 1- to 8-character name allocated to a WUI CICSplex. The name can contain alphabetic, national, and numeric characters. However, the first character must be alphabetic or national. This parameter is ignored if the OLDDREP parameter is specified. The default is created from the characters WUIP, followed by the CMSSYSID. For example, using the default CMSSYSID, CM01, the default WUIPLEX name is WUIPCM01.
Specifies the 1- to 8-character name allocated to a WUI. The name can contain alphabetic, national, and numeric characters. However, the first character must be alphabetic or national. The default is WUINCM01.
Specifies the 1- to 8-character name to be allocated to a MAS. The name can contain alphabetic, national, and numeric characters. However, the first character must be alphabetic or national. The default is CSYS01.

The name of a MAS must be unique in the CICSPlex SM environment. It must not be the same as the name of another MAS, a CICSplex, a CICS system, or a CICS system group.

OLDDREP dsname
Specifies an existing data repository that is being used by a previous release of CICSPlex SM. The records in the existing data repository are migrated to a new data repository for CICS® TS for z/OS®, Version 5.5. The existing data repository is not modified. If you do not specify this parameter, a new data repository is created.
The VSAM cluster name of the existing data repository.

The new CICS TS for z/OS, Version 5.5 data repository has the name


Is the index specified with the DSINFO parameter.
Is the name specified with the CMASNAME parameter.
Use a period (the default value) to have an empty data repository created for CICS TS for z/OS, Version 5.5.
NEWDREP dsname
Specifies a new data repository that is being used by CICSPlex SM.
The VSAM cluster name of the existing data repository.

The new CICS TS for z/OS, Version 5.5 data repository has the name:


Is the index specified with the DSINFO parameter.
Is the name specified with the CMASNAME parameter.
Use a period (the default value) to have an empty data repository created for CICS TS for z/OS, Version 5.5.