Sample DFHCSDUP job to specify USELPACOPY(YES)

The standard IBM-supplied program definitions in the CSD all specify USELPACOPY(NO). If you copy or move to the LPA the IBM® programs defined by definitions in the CSD, the next step is to modify the USELPACOPY attribute to ensure that CICS® uses the LPA copy.

To simplify this task:
  • IBM supplies, in the DFH$ULPA member of the SDFHSAMP library, an alternate set of DEFINE statements for all the IBM-supplied programs. All the programs defined in DFH$ULPA specify USELPACOPY(YES).
  • If you do not want all the programs to be defined for LPA use, edit the member to remove the programs that are to remain as USELPACOPY(NO).
  • The USELPACOPY(YES) versions are all defined in one new group called DFH$ULPA. Change this group name if you want to use your own name.
  • Run the sample DFHCSDUP job shown in Figure 1 to add the DFH$ULPA versions of the definitions to your CSD.
  • You do not have to remove the standard definitions from DFHLIST. If you specify your group list after DFHLIST on the GRPLIST system initialization parameter, you ensure that the modified definitions override the standard definitions.
Figure 1. Sample DFHCSDUP job for all CICS LPA-eligible modules
//LPAMODS     JOB  (account_details),MSGCLASS=A,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),
//                  CLASS=A,NOTIFY=userid