Data captured for a policy event

Unlike standard CICS® events, the data that is captured for a policy event is predetermined and you cannot customize it. You will need to know what data is captured when you consume CFE format policy events that are emitted by one of the supported event processing (EP) adapters, when you write a program invoked for a CICS transaction started by the transaction start EP adapter or when you write your own custom EP adapter.

Policy events that are emitted in the CFE format by the IBM® MQ Queue, TD Queue, or TS Queue EP adapters can be mapped by using CICS-supplied mapping structures. For more information, see Policy event in CFE format.

When you format and emit policy events with a custom EP adapter, or consume events in a program invoked for a CICS transaction started by the transaction start EP adapter you need to know which DFHEP.NAME.nnnnn container contains each item data captured for a policy event. Table 1 shows the name and size of the CICS containers for each item of capture data common to all policy events. Table 2 lists the additional CICS containers for task rules. Table 3 through Table 18 shows the additional containers for each type of system rule. The names for each item of capture data are also available in the DFHEP.DESCRIPTOR container that is passed to a custom EP adapter, or the DFHEP.NAME.nnnnn containers that are passed to tasks started by the transaction start EP adapter.

For more information about writing a custom EP adapter to format and emit a policy event, see Custom EP adapter.

For more information about writing a program that is invoked by a CICS transaction started by the transaction start EP adapter to consume policy events, see Transaction start EP adapter.

Table 1. Containers for data that is emitted for all policy events
Container name Container size in bytes Contents Capture data item name
DFHEP.DATA.00001 10 Event version number version
DFHEP.DATA.00002 7 Task number task_id
DFHEP.DATA.00003 4 CICS TRANSACTION name transaction_id
DFHEP.DATA.00004 8 User identifier user_id
DFHEP.DATA.00005 8 Program name 1 program_name
DFHEP.DATA.00006 64 Policy name policy_name
DFHEP.DATA.00007 64 Rule name rule_name
DFHEP.DATA.00008 16 Rule group rule_group
DFHEP.DATA.00009 16 Rule type, for example "storage" rule_type
DFHEP.DATA.00010 8 Bundle name of the CICS BUNDLE that contains the policy bundle_name
DFHEP.DATA.00011 10 Bundle major version bundle_version_major
DFHEP.DATA.00012 10 Bundle minor version bundle_version_minor
DFHEP.DATA.00013 10 Bundle micro version bundle_version_micro
DFHEP.DATA.00014 64 CICS Bundle Project name bundle_id
DFHEP.DATA.00015 8 User tag policy_user_tag
DFHEP.DATA.00016 64 Platform name platform_name
  1. Program name data is not captured for system rules, so the container DFHEP.DATA.00005 is always 8 blanks for policy events emitted for system rules.
Table 2. Additional containers for data that is emitted for all task rule events
Container name Container size in bytes Contents Capture data item name
DFHEP.DATA.00017 64 Application name application_name
DFHEP.DATA.00018 10 Application major version application_version_major
DFHEP.DATA.00019 10 Application minor version application_version_minor
DFHEP.DATA.00020 10 Application micro version application_version_micro
DFHEP.DATA.00021 64 Operation name operation
DFHEP.DATA.00022 16 Rule category, for example "task24" rule_category
DFHEP.DATA.00023 2 Rule operator, for example "GT" rule_operator
DFHEP.DATA.00024 16 Rule threshold, for example "2048" rule_threshold
DFHEP.DATA.00025 16 Current count, for example "2200" current_count
DFHEP.DATA.00026 - DFHEP.DATA.000nn 255 Value of user-defined static data item As defined by user
Table 3. Additional containers for data that is emitted for all AID threshold system rule events
Container name Container size in bytes Contents Capture data item name
DFHEP.DATA.00017 10 AID threshold, for example "5000" at_threshold
DFHEP.DATA.00028 - DFHEP.DATA.000nn 255 Value of user-defined static data item As defined by user
Table 4. Additional containers for data that is emitted for all bundle available status system rule events
Container name Container size in bytes Contents Capture data item name
DFHEP.DATA.00017 8 Bundle name, for example "PROGBUN" ba_bundle_name
DFHEP.DATA.00018 12 FROM bundle available status, for example "UNAVAILABLE" ba_from_availstatus 1
DFHEP.DATA.00019 12 TO bundle available status, for example "AVAILABLE" ba_to_availstatus 1
DFHEP.DATA.00020 64 Bundle ID, for example "payroll_application_resources" ba_bundle_id
DFHEP.DATA.00021 10 Bundle version major, for example "1" ba_bundle_version_major
DFHEP.DATA.00022 10 Bundle version minor, for example "2" ba_bundle_version_minor
DFHEP.DATA.00023 10 Bundle version micro, for example "3" ba_bundle_version_micro
DFHEP.DATA.00024 255 Bundle directory, for example "/cics/bundles" ba_bundle_dir
DFHEP.DATA.00025 64 Platform name, for example "PRODUCTION_PLAT" ba_platform_name 2
DFHEP.DATA.00026 64 Application name, for example "PAYROLL_APP" ba_application_name 3
DFHEP.DATA.00027 10 Application version major, for example "2" ba_application_version_major 4
DFHEP.DATA.00028 10 Application version minor, for example "3" ba_application_version_minor 4
DFHEP.DATA.00029 10 Application version micro, for example "4" ba_application_version_micro 4
DFHEP.DATA.00030 - DFHEP.DATA.000nn 255 Value of user-defined static data item As defined by user
  1. Set to one of following values: AVAILABLE, SOMEAVAIL or UNAVAILABLE.
  2. Only set if the bundle is deployed with a CICS platform or application. All blanks otherwise.
  3. Only set if the bundle is installed as part of a CICS application. All blanks otherwise.
  4. Only set if the bundle is installed as part of a CICS application. Set to -1 otherwise.
Table 5. Additional containers for data that is emitted for all bundle enable status system rule events
Container name Container size in bytes Contents Capture data item name
DFHEP.DATA.00017 8 Bundle name, for example "PROGBUN" be_bundle_name
DFHEP.DATA.00018 12 FROM bundle enable status, for example "DISABLED" be_from_enablestatus 1
DFHEP.DATA.00019 12 TO bundle enable status, for example "ENABLING" be_to_enablestatus 2
DFHEP.DATA.00020 64 Bundle ID, for example "payroll_application_resources" be_bundle_id
DFHEP.DATA.00021 10 Bundle version major, for example "1" be_bundle_version_major
DFHEP.DATA.00022 10 Bundle version minor, for example "2" be_bundle_version_minor
DFHEP.DATA.00023 10 Bundle version micro, for example "3" be_bundle_version_micro
DFHEP.DATA.00024 255 Bundle directory, for example "/cics/bundles" be_bundle_dir
DFHEP.DATA.00025 64 Platform name, for example "PRODUCTION_PLAT" be_platform_name 3
DFHEP.DATA.00026 64 Application name, for example "PAYROLL_APP" be_application_name 4
DFHEP.DATA.00027 10 Application version major, for example "2" be_application_version_major 5
DFHEP.DATA.00028 10 Application version minor, for example "3" be_application_version_minor 5
DFHEP.DATA.00029 10 Application version micro, for example "4" be_application_version_micro 5
DFHEP.DATA.00030 - DFHEP.DATA.000nn 255 Value of user-defined static data item As defined by user
  1. Set to one of following values: DISABLED, DISABLING, ENABLED, ENABLING or INITIAL.
  2. Set to one of following values: DISABLED, DISABLING, DISCARDING, ENABLED, or ENABLING.
  3. Only set if the bundle is deployed with a CICS platform or application. Set to all blanks otherwise.
  4. Only set if the bundle is deployed with a CICS application. Set to all blanks otherwise.
  5. Only set if the bundle is deployed with a CICS application. Set to -1 otherwise.
Table 6. Additional containers for data that is emitted for all DBCTL connection status system rule events
Container name Container size in bytes Contents Capture data item name
DFHEP.DATA.00017 12 FROM connection status, for example "NOTCONNECTED" dt_from_connectst 1
DFHEP.DATA.00018 12 TO connection status, for example "CONNECTED" dt_to_connectst 2
DFHEP.DATA.00019 4 DBCTL id, for example "IM5D" dt_dbctl_id 3
DFHEP.DATA.00020 - DFHEP.DATA.000nn 255 Value of user-defined static data item As defined by user
  1. Set to one of following values: CONNECTED, CONNECTING, DISCONNING or NOTCONNECTED.
  3. Only set if TO or FROM connection status is CONNECTED. Set to all blanks otherwise.
Table 7. Additional containers for data that is emitted for all Db2 connection system rule events
Container name Container size in bytes Contents Capture data item name
DFHEP.DATA.00017 4 Db2® ID, for example "DJ2C" db2id
DFHEP.DATA.00018 4 Db2 group ID, for example "GRP1" db2groupid
DFHEP.DATA.00019 4 Db2 release, for example "1110" db2release
DFHEP.DATA.00020 12 FROM connection status, for example "NOTCONNECTED" from_connectst 1
DFHEP.DATA.00021 12 TO connection status, for example "CONNECTED" to_connectst 1
DFHEP.DATA.00022 - DFHEP.DATA.000nn 255 Value of user-defined static data item As defined by user
  1. Set to one of following values: CONNECTED, CONNECTING, DISCONNING or NOTCONNECTED.
Table 8. Additional containers for data that is emitted for all file enable status system rule events
Container name Container size in bytes Contents Capture data item name
DFHEP.DATA.00017 8 File name, for example "FILEA" file
DFHEP.DATA.00018 44 Dataset name, for example "CICSUSER.FILEA" dsname
DFHEP.DATA.00019 12 FROM file enable status, for example "ENABLED" from_enablestatus 1
DFHEP.DATA.00020 12 TO file enable status, for example "DISABLED" to_enablestatus 1
DFHEP.DATA.00021 12 File open status, for example "CLOSED" openstatus 2
DFHEP.DATA.00022 - DFHEP.DATA.000nn 255 Value of user-defined static data item As defined by user
  1. Set to one of following values: DISABLED, DISABLING, ENABLED, UNENABLED, or UNENABLING.
  2. Set to one of following values: CLOSED, CLOSEREQUEST or OPEN.
Table 9. Additional containers for data that is emitted for all file open status system rule events
Container name Container size in bytes Contents Capture data item name
DFHEP.DATA.00017 8 File name, for example "FILEA" file
DFHEP.DATA.00018 44 Dataset name, for example "CICSUSER.FILEA" dsname
DFHEP.DATA.00019 12 FROM file open status, for example "OPEN" from_openstatus 1
DFHEP.DATA.00020 12 TO file open status, for example "CLOSED" to_openstatus 1
DFHEP.DATA.00021 12 File enable status, for example "ENABLED" enablestatus 2
DFHEP.DATA.00022 - DFHEP.DATA.000nn 255 Value of user-defined static data item As defined by user
  1. Set to one of following values: CLOSED, CLOSEREQUEST or OPEN.
  2. Set to one of following values: DISABLED, DISABLING, ENABLED, UNENABLED, or UNENABLING.
Table 10. Additional containers for data that is emitted for all IBM MQ connection status system rule events
Container name Container size in bytes Contents Capture data item name
DFHEP.DATA.00017 12 FROM connection status, for example "CONNECTING" mc_from_connectst 1
DFHEP.DATA.00018 12 TO connection status, for example "CONNECTED" mc_to_connectst 1
DFHEP.DATA.00019 4 MQ name, for example "DEV1" mc_mq_name
DFHEP.DATA.00020 4 MQ queue manager, for example "QMG1" mc_mq_qmgr2
DFHEP.DATA.00021 4 MQ release, for example "0800" mc_mq_release2
DFHEP.DATA.00022 - DFHEP.DATA.000nn 255 Value of user-defined static data item As defined by user
  1. Set to one of following values: CONNECTED, CONNECTING, DISCONNING or NOTCONNECTED.
  2. Only set if the TO or FROM connection status is CONNECTED.
Table 11. Additional containers for data that is emitted for all IPIC connection status system rule events
Container name Container size in bytes Contents Capture data item name
DFHEP.DATA.00017 8 IPCONN name, for example "IPCICSA" ip_ipconn_name
DFHEP.DATA.00018 12 FROM connection status, for example "RELEASED" ip_from_connectst 1
DFHEP.DATA.00019 12 To connection status, for example "ACQUIRED" ip_to_connectst 1
DFHEP.DATA.00020 8 Remote system APPLID, for example "DBDCCICS" ip_applid
DFHEP.DATA.00021 116 Remote system host name, for example "" ip_host
DFHEP.DATA.00022 8 Remote system host name, for example "IPV4" ip_hosttype 2
DFHEP.DATA.00023 5 Outbound port number, for example "10095" ip_port
DFHEP.DATA.00024 8 Remote system network id, for example "GBIBMIYA" ip_networkid
DFHEP.DATA.00025 - DFHEP.DATA.000nn 255 Value of user-defined static data item As defined by user
  1. Set to one of following values: ACQUIRED, FREEING, OBTAINING or RELEASED.
  2. Set to one of following values: HOSTNAME, IPV4, IPV6 or UNKNOWN.
Table 12. Additional containers for data that is emitted for all message system rule events
Container name Container size in bytes Contents Capture data item name
DFHEP.DATA.00017 9 Message ID, for example "DFHFC0208" message_id
DFHEP.DATA.00018 1024 Message text, for example "DFHFC0208 MYAPPLID LSR pool 1 ..." message_text
DFHEP.DATA.00019 255 Insert 1, for example "MYAPPLID" insert1
DFHEP.DATA.00020 255 Insert 2, for example "1" insert2
DFHEP.DATA.00021 - DFHEP.DATA.00048 255 Inserts 3 - 30 insert3 - insert30
DFHEP.DATA.00049 - DFHEP.DATA.000nn 255 Value of user-defined static data item As defined by user
Table 13. Additional containers for data that is emitted for all MRO connection status system rule events
Container name Container size in bytes Contents Capture data item name
DFHEP.DATA.00017 4 Connection name, for example "CON1" mr_connection_name
DFHEP.DATA.00018 12 FROM connection status, for example "RELEASED" mr_from_connectst 1
DFHEP.DATA.00019 12 TO connection status, example "ACQUIRED" mr_to_connectst 1
DFHEP.DATA.00020 3 Access method, for example "IRC" mr_accessmethod 2
DFHEP.DATA.00021 8 Netname, for example "DBDCCICS" mr_netname
DFHEP.DATA.00022 - DFHEP.DATA.000nn 255 Value of user-defined static data item As defined by user
  1. Set to one of following values: ACQUIRED or RELEASED.
  2. Set to one of following values: IRC, XCF or XM.
Table 14. Additional containers for data that is emitted for all pipeline enable status system rule events
Container name Container size in bytes Contents Capture data item name
DFHEP.DATA.00017 8 Pipeline name, for example "PIPE1" pi_pipeline_name
DFHEP.DATA.00018 12 FROM pipeline enable status, for example "ENABLED" pi_from_enablestatus 1
DFHEP.DATA.00019 12 TO pipleline enable status, for example "DISABLING" pi_to_enablestatus 2
DFHEP.DATA.00020 12 Pipeline mode, for example "PROVIDER" pi_mode 3
DFHEP.DATA.00021 8 Pipeline message format, for example "SOAP11" pi_msg_format4
DFHEP.DATA.00022 - DFHEP.DATA.000nn 255 Value of user-defined static data item As defined by user
  1. Set to one of the following values: DISABLED, DISABLING, ENABLED or INITIAL.
  2. Set to one of the following values: DISABLED, DISABLING, DISCARDING or ENABLED.
  3. Set to one of the following values: PROVIDER, REQUESTOR, UNKNOWN.
  4. Set to one of the following values: JSON, OTHER, SOAP11 or SOAP12.
Table 15. Additional containers for data that is emitted for all program enable status system rule events
Container name Container size in bytes Contents Capture data item name
DFHEP.DATA.00017 8 Program name, for example "PROGA" pe_program
DFHEP.DATA.00018 12 FROM program enable status, for example "ENABLED" pe_from_enablestatus 1
DFHEP.DATA.00019 12 TO program enable status, for example "DISABLED" pe_to_enablestatus 1
DFHEP.DATA.00020 4 Remote system, for example "CICSA" pe_remote_system 2
DFHEP.DATA.00021 8 Remote name, for example"REMPROG" pe_remote_name 2
DFHEP.DATA.00022 8 Library name, for example "PROGLIB" pe_library_name 3
DFHEP.DATA.00023 44 Library dataset name, for example "PROGRAM.LOAD" pe_library_dsn 3
DFHEP.DATA.00024 64 Platform name, for example "PRODUCTION_PLAT" pe_platform_name 4
DFHEP.DATA.00025 64 Application name, for example "PAYROLL_APP" pe_application_name 5
DFHEP.DATA.00026 10 Application major version, for example "1" pe_application_version_major 6
DFHEP.DATA.00027 10 Application minor version, for example "2" pe_application_version_minor 6
DFHEP.DATA.00028 10 Application micro version, for example "3" pe_application_version_micro 6
DFHEP.DATA.00029 64 Operation, for example "PROGA_entry_point" pe_operation 7
DFHEP.DATA.00030 - DFHEP.DATA.000nn 255 Value of user-defined static data item As defined by user
  1. Set to one of the following values: ENABLED or DISABLED.
  2. Only set for remote programs. Set to all blanks otherwise.
  3. Only set if the program is currently loaded. Set to all blanks otherwise.
  4. Only set if the program is defined in a bundle deployed with a CICS platform or application. Set to all blanks otherwise.
  5. Only set if the program is defined in a bundle deployed with a CICS application. Set to all blanks otherwise.
  6. Only set if the program is defined in a bundle deployed with a CICS application. Set to -1 otherwise.
  7. Only set if the program is defined as a CICS application entry point. Set to all blanks otheriwse.
Table 16. Additional containers for data that is emitted for all transaction class tasks system rule events
Container name Container size in bytes Contents Capture data item name
DFHEP.DATA.00017 8 Transaction class name, for example "DFHTCL01" tranclass
DFHEP.DATA.00018 10 FROM active tasks in tranclass, for example "50" from_active
DFHEP.DATA.00019 10 TO active tasks in tranclass, for example "51" to_active
DFHEP.DATA.00020 10 MAXACTIVE tasks for tranclass, for example "100" max_active
DFHEP.DATA.00021 10 Percentage of MAXACTIVE tasks, for example "50" percent_maxactive
DFHEP.DATA.00022 - DFHEP.DATA.000nn 255 Value of user-defined static data item As defined by user
Table 17. Additional containers for data that is emitted for all transaction abend system rule events
Container name Container size in bytes Contents Capture data item name
DFHEP.DATA.00017 4 Transaction ID, for example "ABND" transaction
DFHEP.DATA.00018 4 Transaction abend code, for example "ASRA" abcode
DFHEP.DATA.00019 - DFHEP.DATA.000nn 255 Value of user-defined static data item As defined by user
Table 18. Additional containers for data that is emitted for all user tasks system rule events
Container name Container size in bytes Contents Capture data item name
DFHEP.DATA.00017 10 FROM active user tasks, for example "120" from_tasks
DFHEP.DATA.00018 10 TO active user tasks, for example "121" to_tasks
DFHEP.DATA.00019 10 MXT tasks, for example "200" maxtasks
DFHEP.DATA.00020 10 Percentage of MXT tasks, for example "60" percent_maxtasks
DFHEP.DATA.00021 - DFHEP.DATA.000nn 255 Value of user-defined static data item As defined by user
If your policy events are consumed by a CICS program that is running under a CICS task that is started by the transaction start EP adapter, the policy event data is passed to the program in containers with the same names as listed in Table 1 through Table 18. The capture item names are passed in corresponding DFHEP.NAME.nnnnn containers. For more information about the container-based event (CCE) format that is used to pass event data to a CICS program, see CICS container-based event (CCE) format.

XML schemas for policy events

If you use CICS Explorer® Version or later, you can export the XML schemas that describe the payload of both task and system rule policy events in all the XML formats that CICS event processing supports. See Exporting event specifications from a policy in the CICS Explorer product documentation.

If you use an earlier version of CICS Explorer that does not support the export of event specifications, the CICS bundle project schemas in the zFS directory /usr/lpp/cicsts/cicsts55/schemas/policy contains the XML schemas that describe the payload of both task and system rule policy events in all the XML formats that are supported by CICS event processing. All policy schema are in UTF-8 encoding.

Table 19. XML schemas for policy events
XML format Task rule schema System rule schema Description


Contain the schemas for policy events in the Common base event (CBE) or Common based event REST (CBER) formats.

These schemas can be imported into IBM Business Monitor to allow it to consume policy events.



Contain the schemas for policy events in the Decision Server Insights Event (DSIE) format.

These schemas can be imported by the Decision Server Insights component of IBM Operational Decision Manager to allow it to consume policy events.



Contain the schemas for policy events in the WebSphere Business Events (WBE) format.

These schemas can be imported by the Decision Server Events component of IBM Operational Decision Manager to allow it to consume policy events.

Note: For Common base event (CBE), Common based event REST (CBER), or Decision Server Insights Event (DSIE) XML formats, you must edit the XML schema to replace all instances of the symbol {USERTAG} with the value that is specified for the User tag field in the policy definition editor. See comments in the XSD file for more instructions on the required changes.