Update the CICSTART member

The CICSTART member, in the hlq.CICSTS55.REXX.SCICEXEC data set, contains default definitions for the REXX/CICS environment. CICSTART runs when the first transaction that uses the CICS/REXX program is issued, after the CICS® system starts.

CICSTART holds the permanent configuration for the environment. Either edit the supplied CICSTART member, or use it as a model for your own CICSTART exec.
  • Initialization

    Use the initialization statements that set pseudo-conversational mode off (PSEUDO OFF) and check an RLS directory (RLS CKDIR) exactly as shown at the start of the supplied CICSTART member.

  • Define RFS filepools
    The supplied CICSTART member defines two filepools:
      IF RC ¬= 0 THEN EXIT RC
      IF RC ¬= 0 THEN EXIT RC
    If you changed any filepool names or added any filepools during the step Create the RFS filepools, make corresponding changes to the filepool definitions in your CICSTART exec.
  • Authorise user IDs

    The supplied CICSTART member authorizes the user ID RCUSER. Ensure that your CICSTART exec includes commands to authorize the users in your organization who require it.

    Include any users who need access to format the filepools, otherwise the FILEPOOL FORMAT command will fail with return code of -4.

    For a region where CICS security is turned off (that is, the SIT parameter SEC=NO), include an AUTHUSER command in CICSTART for the CICS default user ID. For example, if the default user ID for the region is SYSA, include the following command:
  • Associate CICS transaction IDs with REXX execs as required

    CICSTART must include DEFTRNID statements that associate CICS transaction IDs, as defined by CICS DEFINE TRANSACTION commands, with the REXX execs they are intended to invoke. The supplied CICSTART member associates the REXX, EDIT, and FLST transactions with CICRXTRY, CICEDIT, and CICFLST execs, respectively. These CICS transactions are defined in the CICRDOR and CICRDOD JCL files. See Create resource definitions.

    Your CICSTART exec must include DEFTRNID statements for any CICS transactions that you define to run REXX/CICS transactions.

  • Set defaults for running REXX execs

    Include SETSYS commands that you require for the environment. For example, you can set the language, the retrieve PF key, and the pseudo-conversational setting for running REXX/CICS execs in your installation.

    By default, pseudo-conversational mode is on (although the CICSTART exec itself must run in conversational mode). For more information about pseudo-conversational mode, see PSEUDO and Processing dialogs with users.

  • Define the help paths
    The supplied CICSTART member defines the help path HELPPTH2 for the current help utility, and, for compatibility, the help path HELPPTH for the previous help facility:
    IF RC ¬= 0 THEN EXIT 

    For a new installation, where the previous help facility is not installed, you can remove the three statements that define HELPPTH.

  • Use EXECLOAD to preload execs as required

    You can include EXECLOAD statements to preload execs. When execs are preloaded,performance can improve because the exec does not need to be loaded for each user, and less storage is required because all concurrent users can share the same copy.

    You can use the list of EXECLOAD commands in the supplied CICSTART member, or include EXECLOAD commands for the execs that that you require.

    The supplied CICSTART member contains EXECLOAD commands for the CICEDIT, CICESVR, and CICEPROF execs. These execs are components of the REXX/CICS text editor, which you can use when developing your own REXX programs, and that is part of the REXX Development System only. If your installation uses the REXX/CICS text editor, you can include these EXECLOAD commands.

    For more information, see EXECLOAD.