Controlling the number of long running tasks in a MAS

The MAS agent contains one primary long running system task (LRT), which runs under transaction CONL. By default, this task handles most requests directed to the MAS through the API, WUI, and RTA. The CONL system task also handles internal requests for the MAS, including collecting information on dynamically installed resources and delivering this information to the CMAS. If the LRT becomes busy handling one request, all subsequent requests directed to the MAS are delayed until the current request ends.

Alternate LRTs, which run under a system task that uses the CONA transaction ID, can be requested by specifying a non-zero value for the MASALTLRTCNT EYUPARM. If activated, the alternate LRTs handle the API, WUI, and RTA requests normally handled by the primary LRT. Only one alternate LRT is active at a given time. If the active alternate LRT becomes busy for longer than the value specified by the MASALTLRTTIM EYUPARM, subsequent API, WUI, and RTA requests directed to the MAS are directed to another CONA system task.

Using alternate LRTs allows subsequent requests to be processed even though a previous request has yet to be completed. This also allows the primary LRT to process internal requests without being delayed by the processing of a WUI, API, or RTA request.

The number of alternate long running system tasks (MASALTLRTCNT) can be tuned based on the EYUNL0911I, EYUNL0912I, and EYUNL0913I messages issued when a MAS terminates or goes into restart mode. EYUNL0911I displays the number of active CONA system tasks for this execution. EYUNL012I displays the maximum number of concurrently busy CONA system tasks. If this value is less than the value displayed by EYUNL0911I, you might want to lower the MASALTLRTCNT so that it equals or is one greater than the value displayed by EYUNL0912I. If the value of EYUNL0912I is equal to the value displayed by EYUNL0911I, the value displayed by EYUNL0913I, which is the number of times all active CONA system tasks were busy at the same time, is non-zero. Based upon this value, you can increase the value of MASALTLRTCNT.

The priority of the alternate LRTs can be controlled by the MASALTLRTPRI EYUPARM. Specifying a MASALTLRTPRI value that is less than the default value of 255 can adversely affect the response time of API and WUI users, and might result in RTA EVENTs not being created or resolved in a timely manner.

Note: Specifying different values for MASALTLRTCNT for multiple WLM target regions might result in an uneven distribution of transactions to those regions because of differing long running task counts.