Using a path over a base as an alias for VSAM data sets

For the CICS® VSAM data sets, a VSAM path can be used as a means of providing an alias dsname for the base dsname. Note that it must be a path directly over a base cluster and must not be a path over an alternate index to the base cluster.

About this task

CICS TS supports PATH aliases for KSDS data sets DFHCSD, DFHGCD, and DFHLCD, and for ESDS data sets DFHINTRA and DFHTEMP.


It is possible to define a path with a dsname of CICSTS.applid.DFHCSD associated with base cluster CICSTS.release.applid.DFHCSD. The path dsname can be used in the JCL. In this way, the JCL does not need to be changed when you migrate to a new release of CICS TS.