Typing in a program

About this task

When you type in the following program, use the REXX/CICS editor for files that reside in the REXX File System (RFS). You can also use any editor that lets you save files in MVS™ partitioned data sets (PDS member). This information assumes that you use the REXX/CICS editor.

The name of the program is HELLO EXEC (for now, assume that the file type is exec).
  1. Sign on to a REXX for CICS® terminal by entering CESN and supplying your user ID and password when it is requested.
  2. Clear the screen.
  3. Type:
    edit hello.exec
  4. Type in the program, exactly as it is shown in Figure 1, beginning with /* REXX HELLO EXEC */. Then file it using the EDIT command:
    ====> file

    Now your program is ready to run.

Figure 1. HELLO EXEC


/* A conversation */
say "Hello! What is your name?"
pull who
if who = "" then say "Hello stranger!"
else say "Hello" who