Calling CICS services

You can use the invoke function from the ibm-cics-api module to call a CICS service. Node.js has two popular mechanisms for asynchronous activities, callback functions and promises. Either technique can be used.

If the Node.js application is running within CICS then the invoke request causes CICS to start a new task to run the target JSON service; data is passed between the application and CICS in JSON format, the response is then returned to the application. The following example has a common start, and then has two options to call a CICS service. You can either use callback functions, or you can use promises.
const cics = require('ibm-cics-api');

let uri = "";
let requestData = 
    "startItemRef": 10,
    "itemCount": 774

//Version using callback
cics.invoke(uri,requestData,function(err, data) 
if (err) 
    ... do something with error ....
    .... do something with response data

//Version using promises

    ... do something with response ...
There are three parameters used to call a CICS service:
  • A URI (string) - this identifies the target service. It's used to match a URIMAP in CICS, which then maps to the WEBSERVICE, PIPELINE and eventually target PROGRAM.
  • Request data (JavaScript object or string) - the data that is sent to the CICS service as the request body. This data must be in the JSON format expected by the target service in CICS.
  • A callback function - this function is called by CICS when a response is ready to processed by the Node.js application. This function is not applied if you are using promises.
The parameters that are passed to the callback function are:
  • An error object. This is null if the request succeeds. If it fails, this is a JavaScript Error object that describes the error.
  • A response object. This is a JavaScript object which represents the response from CICS.

Error handling

When an error occurs while processing a request from a Node.js application, CICS creates a JavaScript Error object and passes it to the callback function. An integer value called httpCode represents the error with an equivalent HTTP status. The following example is of an error when printed to stderr:
{ Error: CICS error: internal server error
    at Error (native)
  httpCode: 500,
  response: '{"Fault":{"faultstring":"Failure interacting 
with CICS","detail":{"CICSFault": "DFHPI1007 08\\/21\\/2018 09:06:17 
IYK2ZKE1 CNJW 00121 JSON to data transformation failed because 
of incorrect input (UNDEFINED_ELEMENT foo) for WEBSERVICE 
json_inquireCatalogWrapper."}}}' }
Code Message httpCode Description
ERR_CICS_BAD_REQUEST CICS error: bad request 400 An error in the data passed to CICS from the application. Typical errors include a malformed or invalid URI.
ERR_CICS_FORBIDDEN CICS error: forbidden 403 An authorisation error. Typically the userid associated with the URIMAP isn't authorized to attach the target TRANSACTION.
ERR_CICS_NOT_FOUND CICS error: resource not found 404 A configuration error. One of the CICS resources involved in the processing cannot be found; the missing resource may be the URIMAP, TRANSACTION, or PIPELINE resource. The most common problem involves use of a URI that is not known to CICS.
ERR_CICS_INTERNAL_ERROR CICS error: internal server error 500 A problem occurred within CICS. Typical problems include the target Service having abended, or a data transformation error having occurred. Diagnostics are issued by CICS to describe the problem, and an explanatory message might be available in the 'response' attribute of the error object. The most common problem involves a mismatch between the JSON request data, and the JSON format that is expected within CICS.
ERR_CICS_UNAVAILABLE CICS error: unavailable 503 A resource in CICS has been disabled. Either the URIMAP, TRANSACTION or PIPELINE resource is currently unavailable.

Unit testing

The invoke function supports local and remote CICS invocations. When the Node.js application is run in CICS the request is optimized into a cross-memory system call that does not use the network. When the Node.js application is run outside of CICS the request is sent to CICS using HTTP or HTTPS based on the URI. This remote capability is intended for unit testing purposes only.

When using the ibm-cics-api module to connect to CICS over HTTP, it is not possible to set HTTP headers such as basic authentication, or send client certificates. If you need to do this, use other Node.js modules instead.