Java EE and Liberty applications

To provide modern interfaces to CICS® applications, you can develop a presentation layer that uses web application technology. You can use the IBM® CICS SDK for Java™ in CICS Explorer® or the CICS-provided artifacts on Maven Central to create, package, and build the applications. The IBM CICS SDK for Java EE, Jakarta EE and Liberty, which is optionally installed with CICS Explorer, also provides support to deploy the application to run in CICS.

About this task

Three types of web application projects can be deployed on a Liberty server:
  • Dynamic Web Project (WAR)
  • OSGi Application Project (EBA)
  • Enterprise Application Project (EAR)

A WAR can contain dynamic Java EE resources such as Liberty in CICS, filters, and associated metadata, in addition to static resources such as images and HTML files.

An EBA is a Java archive file that can contain WABs and OSGi bundles. WABs are web-enabled OSGi bundles that contain JSP servlets and files, filters, and associated metadata, in addition to static resources such as images and HTML files.

An EAR is a way of organizing WAR and EJB modules into a single container in the same way as an EBA organizes WABs and OSGi bundles.