CONTROL statement

The CONTROL statement (see Figure 1) is optional, and you can omit it if the default operand values are satisfactory. It defines the ddnames to be used for the input and output data sets and the beginning and ending limits of the data set to be scanned. If you do not specify this statement, DFHJUP defaults to reading the input file named in a SYSUT1 DD statement. The optional output data set defined on the SYSUT4 DD statement is opened only if you specify the OPTION COPY function in the current group of tests, and also code the COND=E parameter.

Figure 1. The DFHJUP CONTROL statement
1         10       16

CONTROL   CNTL     [{SKIP|K}={0|number}]
SKIP= or K=
defines the first record tested. All prior records are ignored. If this keyword is not specified, a default value of zero is used and causes the first record on the input file to be tested.
must be specified in the range 0 through 999999, and cannot have embedded commas.
defines the last record to be tested. When this value has been reached by counting processed records, the current group of tests is terminated. If you do not specify this keyword, the default value of EOF is assumed.
must be specified in the range 0 through 9999999, with no embedded commas.

If you specify a value of zero, one record is processed.

denotes end-of-file condition; allows record processing beyond the stated maximum of 99999999 records.
causes records to be counted for test sequence termination only if they satisfy selection criteria. Otherwise, all records read (after the SKIP value) are counted.
identifies the ddname for the input data set for the current group of tests.

The default ddname of SYSUT1 is used if you do not code this keyword, and a SYSUT1 DD statement must be included in your job stream. If you code this parameter to specify a different ddname, your job stream must include the corresponding DD statement.

identifies the ddname for the optional output data set for the current group of tests.

This keyword is used in conjunction with the OPTION COPY function, and you need only code this parameter if you want to use a ddname other than the default of SYSUT4. Coding DDNOUT, or the presence of SYSUT4 in the DFHJUP job stream, does not cause this data set to be used. An output data set is used only if OPTION COPY is specified with COND=E.