Using CEOT in inquiry mode

About this task

Type CEOT. You get the following display:

Figure 1. CEOT transaction: initial screen
   Ter(TC37) Trans(CEOT) Pri(000) Pag Ins Ati Tti
      Net(IYCQTC37) Acq Tra

    < PAgeable | AUtopageable >
    < ATi | NOAti >
    < TTi | NOTti >
    < Uctran | NOUctran | TRANIdonly >

                                                      SYSID=HT61 APPLID=CICSHT61
   RESPONSE: NORMAL                             TIME:  13.47.07  DATE: 02.01.01
 PF 1 HELP       3 END                                9 MSG

The top half of the screen shows the current status of your terminal. The bottom half of the screen shows the syntax of the CEOT command.

Note: NET, ACQ, and CRE are not displayed for non-z/OS® Communications Server terminals.

The status items are displayed in the following sequence.

Note: If an item has a “negative” value—for example, NOATI—that value will be replaced by a blank space.
CICS® is in session with the logical unit represented by this terminal. You cannot overtype this value.
See ‘AUTOPAGEABLE' in the Command Options below.

The paging status can be modified by overtyping.

See ‘ATI' in the Command Options below.
This terminal can be acquired automatically by ATI transactions. You cannot overtype this value.
Your terminal is INSERVICE. You cannot overtype this value.
Net (netname)
displays the name by which this terminal is known to z/OS Communications Server.
See ‘PAGEABLE' in the Command Options below.

The paging status can be modified by overtyping.

Pri (nnn)
displays the priority of your terminal relative to other terminals, and is a number in the range 0–255.
Ter (xxxx)
displays the 4-character identifier of your terminal.
Tra (ceot)
displays the transaction that is running on your terminal. This is always CEOT.
The terminal is available for use by transactions initiated from this terminal. You cannot change the TTI setting by overtyping it with blanks.